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Is Cloning Right

Started by Carlos, May 16, 2003, 10:42:39 AM

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What is your opinion on cloning.  Should it be banned?  Will human be cloned one day?  Is cloning against God's will or did God intent this to happen.  Whats your opinion?
You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find


I believe it is neither evil, nor good ... and like most medical breakthroughs ( abortion, ..), it will be soon common place and nobody will question its use ...


  i say human cloning is the best idea yet
he's coming for you


human clonning is great ,i mean just think u will be able to heal almost all the  diseases known to man.
Incoherence disrupts your rationale
Involuntary your last confessional
No sense of being missing segments of time
Inconsistency is feeding on your mind


colning can help alot, but i belive that as long as u dont clone up somethin evil (like hitler or a nazi army)


Quote from: Fraidy-cat on October 10, 2005, 02:02:46 PM
colning can help alot, but i belive that as long as u dont clone up somethin evil (like hitler or a nazi army)

That's part of the problem right there: people getting the wrong impression about what cloning can or can't do. A lot of people seem to think it's like Scifi movies where exact duplicates of other people can be made, and that's not the case.

Sure, given a viable DNA sample, you could clone Hitler. However, that would be a completely new (although genetically identical) Hitler, not the one that attempted world domination or started the Holocaust. In fact, that Hitler clone could grow up to be a visionary leader, or even the artist that the original Hitler wanted to be.

I've found that the main argument against cloning from outside the scientific community appears to be rooted in the argument over the concept of the soul. It's there that words like "evil" and "wrong" begin to creep into the picture.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei


I'm more concernd with the possible socialogical  ramifications of it. Like should we actually clone people for their organs? Clones are people too. Why create more people when you can just clone the ones we have... you know all the possible sci-fi stuff that is just close enough to reality to actually be a viable future.
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There is that, though it may be a possiblity to grow a body with an undeveloped brain, in which case it would be human in fact, but certainly not in spirit. There are ethical concerns with scientific research, yes, but just because there are concerns does not mean that the research should be stopped entirely.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei


Its never been the uses of the research that we need to worry about but the people who control that research. People have been known to do heinous things in the name of research. Consider the possible virus that couldl be made once genetics is fully understood, probably wil be made. biowar being what it is.

But I refuse to support any idea or study that treats people as things.
© Necropolis™ 2001-06, The authors, affiliates and their subsidiary companys however accept no responsability for any coherence in the above or any aforementioned or prior correspondance.


Which then begs the question: What makes a person a person? Is a clone grown with an immature brain a person? Is an embryo a person?

"Person" is such a vague term... What constitutes a human being would likely be the better question.
"It is no measure of health to be sane in an insane society." -- Krishnamurti

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." -- Galileo Galilei


I think cloning is a bad idea, we already have enough people on this planet as it is.
Life is like the original fairytales of Europe, depressing and gory.

Phantom X

We need to start cloning research for the future. It can lead to many new discoveries and save many many lives. Think about when you need a liver or heart? No need for a waiting list they just made one for you! If we can examine a brain freely and find out how it works that could lead to AI and possibly unlocking secrets we hold deep within ourselves.
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In


Quote from: Phantom X on August 08, 2006, 11:59:18 AM
We need to start cloning research for the future. It can lead to many new discoveries and save many many lives. Think about when you need a liver or heart? No need for a waiting list they just made one for you! If we can examine a brain freely and find out how it works that could lead to AI and possibly unlocking secrets we hold deep within ourselves.

Hamanity doesn't have sustainable maturity to handle AIs and many more powerful "secrets" hidden from us.

Quote from: Shadowborn on August 08, 2006, 07:28:59 AM
Which then begs the question: What makes a person a person? Is a clone grown with an immature brain a person? Is an embryo a person?

Yes to both, although a full grown adult with a undeveloped brain would be a cruelty. People lately seem to find it really easy to discard the value of life,and cloning will just make it easier to do this.
© Necropolis™ 2001-06, The authors, affiliates and their subsidiary companys however accept no responsability for any coherence in the above or any aforementioned or prior correspondance.

Phantom X

Quote from: Necropolis on August 08, 2006, 03:07:21 PM
Quote from: Phantom X on August 08, 2006, 11:59:18 AM
We need to start cloning research for the future. It can lead to many new discoveries and save many many lives. Think about when you need a liver or heart? No need for a waiting list they just made one for you! If we can examine a brain freely and find out how it works that could lead to AI and possibly unlocking secrets we hold deep within ourselves.

Hamanity doesn't have sustainable maturity to handle AIs and many more powerful "secrets" hidden from us.

Most of humanity do. Get reasonable doctors and scientists on the project and we can open up things that we never dreamed of. We may be able to prove some supernatural occurances.
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In


Quote from: Phantom X on August 08, 2006, 05:22:33 PM

Most of humanity do. Get reasonable doctors and scientists on the project and we can open up things that we never dreamed of. We may be able to prove some supernatural occurances.

I disagre in the same way as the line in MIB "A person is smart, people are skittish and easily scared".
Humanity doesn't yet have a very good grasp on its situation. A Person may, but humanity is not too bright.
© Necropolis™ 2001-06, The authors, affiliates and their subsidiary companys however accept no responsability for any coherence in the above or any aforementioned or prior correspondance.

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