
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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I'm back

Started by onishadowolf, September 12, 2010, 03:43:48 PM

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Oni ! Good to see ya pal! Sorry about your loss man.


Hey Ravinclaw, good to see you pal.   :-D
-The shadows connect us all-


  Thank the GODS!  Happy to have ya back brother, now get to work.  Lord knows I need a vacation lol.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


See, I told you I draw them out of the woodwork! Give it a few more weeks, maybe a couple months, and everyone will be back.


Haha, I see this Muerte. Yes Moloch, like flies to honey dipped turds. Lol
-The shadows connect us all-


Your diet seems to be unhealthy Oni might i suggest a bowl of prunes and a glass of milk. I'm sure muerte's got some stashed somewhere. :banplea:
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Haha, true. But, where's the fun in healthy.
-The shadows connect us all-


Quote from: onishadowolf on September 19, 2010, 12:48:55 AM
Haha, true. But, where's the fun in healthy.

  The fun is that while you were gone I contracts a fairly uncomfortable stomach condition which caused the butchers....erm I meant Doctors, to remove a few inches of my colon.  Now it's eat healthy or truly live up to my handle.  I will admit though, prunes do grow on ya.   :-D
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


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