
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Open Source Zombie - filmi projektori + looking for music + writers etc.

Started by OpenSouceZombie, March 01, 2013, 03:22:58 PM

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"Trailer" short version:
youtube:   QWz8LsmvoLg

"Trailer" long:
youtube: ujHJbMWcKj0

Open Source Zombie is an online collaborative zombie project that is in development. It is very unique as the zombies are based more on science thus making the film very intense. For example to avoid pseudoscience and superstitions our zombies are: alive (thus need food / oxygen / don't need a head shot to die), don't eat other humans (unless necessary), are infected with parasitic worms that make the human hosts sexually active to spread the disease, the zombification takes weeks / months / years not some overnight event, but slowly it starts affecting whole of humanity so that large institutions fail and starvation looms. Insanity takes over, starvation, radicalism, militant despotism,... these attributes take over as societies fail, and those who are not infected try to
gain power and fight the parasitically infected humans. The director has previously made a travel documentary to North Korea. The
parasites are based on real life parasites that infect snails, and turn them into zombies by secreting chemicals, and eating the snails nervous system. There are also quite a few worms living in human, and it is a fact estimated by the World Health Organization that around 10% of humanity at any given time suffer from parasitic worm diseases.

We will be looking for writers, film makers, musicians, etc. to complete the project!
Go to my profile, and you'll find our Facebook group!

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