
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Monkey Me

Started by SpiderMonkey, March 16, 2013, 02:32:21 PM

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Hello, one and all.

I'm monkey-kin black faced spider monkey to be exact. I'm eighteen years of age and live in the United Kingdom.

I awakened when I was sixteen, I'd always felt close to monkeys and apes but I discovered my true self by mental shifting for the first time.

- I was camping with the school, we were in this Forrest with thousands of trees. We had to collect mineral samples and I preferred to work alone. I was gathering some samples and I shifted. I made my way up a tree and sat. It's very blurred but I remember being frustrated as my human body wasn't as agile as my monkey self once was.

Anyway say Hey I'm happy to talk to anyone especially if your my kin!

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