Monstrous Café > Mayday! Mayday!

UFO Psychic Predicted HURRICANES

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Ted Owens : Modern Moses

I submit this as Truth Stranger than Fiction.

As a youth Ted Owens suffered horrific head injuries
on several occasions.

Despite these Ted developed an extremely high IQ,:idea:
became a member of MENSA, the high IQ society,:idea:
and mastered many trades and talents.:idea:

Later in life Ted was exposed to a UFO (Alien Flying Object)
and soon began to have visual intuitional conversations
in his brain and mind with EXTREMELY Advanced Beings called

Space Intelligences (SI's)

Who looked like mental Insects or had NO Image :!:

SI's told Ted They had caused his head injuries
earlier in life so his brain could have effective
two-way communication with Them and that he
was the first person since the Prophet Moses
to have such a gift.

Over many years Ted had regular repeatable
contacts with SI's and could accurately
predict and control many events such as
HURRICANES[1] and UFO materialisations[2].

Ted and SI's teamed together to
[*]force the US to end the Vietnam War
[*]reduce pollution
[*]become more Open Minded and Nature friendly.

Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, the only holder
of a doctorate in parapsychology from an
accredited university in the US, wrote a book
about Ted and SI's:

For more details please visit:

Or read a FREE ebook about Ted at

Thank You for Thinking:!:


[0] Top Symbol was used by Ted to signify
himself as PK Man.

[1] HURRICANES Similar to FOUR hurricanes
hitting the US in 2004 and TWO so far in 2005.

("Shock and Awe... Shock and Awe...")

[2] Also Ted could accurately predict or even CAUSE
EARTHQUAKES, tornadoes, snow, rainfall, drought,
lightning, UFO Apeman visitations, etc.


Ted predicted that SI's
would cause the Space Shuttle "Challenger" to explode in January 1986 :!:

(Perhaps the Big Money Humans ruling over the US, Britain and USSR
were up to something and SI's wanted to send a message
to them to prevent some horrible Human inflicted event,
such as "War for Oil" or "War for Profit" from happening.)

You were banned for your own view's :?:
We exept all, what would possibly be the prob?
If it's something personal then nvmd.


--- Quote from: Intelligence ---

Ted Owens : Modern Moses

(Monstrous Moderators want to Hide this from You.)
(Monstrous Moderators have banned me from Being Truthful.)

I have to say this is a bit confusing.  What is there about this information that anyone at Monstrous would want you banned?  Maybe you'd better explain a bit better.

You wouldn't happen to know anything about the hacking the other night, would you?

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Intelligence ---(Monstrous Moderators want to Hide this from You.)
(Monstrous Moderators have banned me from Being Truthful.
--- End quote ---

Get a grip, Liar..


--- Quote from: Morticia ---
I have to say this is a bit confusing.
What is there about this information
that anyone at Monstrous would want you banned?

Maybe you'd better explain a bit better.

You wouldn't happen to know anything
about the hacking the other night, would you?

--- End quote ---

Dear Morticia :

I have been banned plenty times from other
small-minded forums by small-minded moderators who seem
to suffer from Xeno-Phobia or anything
different to their Monopolistic value system.


I DEFINITELY was NOT part of any "hacking the other night".

I am someone who has been under INTENSIVE SURVEILLANCE
by some massive bugging operation in the past over many
years, probably because of my connection to

Space Intelligences (SI's)

and the FACT that SI's were very much behind the Nature events
that helped to end the Big Money War US/USSR/Vietnam War.

But come to think of it, there do seem to be plenty of
electronic failures and disturbances that accompany places
I frequent or People I associate with at times, especially
when it involves controversial activities and subjects.

Was that incident Hacking or Electronic Failure :?:

Just interested...

Thank You!


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