Monstrous Café > Say It!

Messin' with our minds...

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Frankly, I feel that today the commercials are more "direct".


Back to the psychology in marketing or this goes into Idle or deleted.



--- Quote from: Moloch on September 05, 2006, 07:00:46 PM ---Anyone notice how Verizon's (now the largest wireless telephone provider in the USA) ads feature the "Chic Geek" as their spokeman? The impression most folks get is that the geek guy is representative of the whole company; geekiness = quality. Sorry Verizon but everyone I know hates your services and would drop their contracts if they could afford to but they can't because you billing errors keep their bills exorbitantly high. Which also brings me to the next point - billing. A lot of companies seem to be using the technique AOL pioneered. They take your call with a demand to drop your account or whatever problem as a sales opportunity. Ever notice that no matter the problem or how angry you are by the end they ALWAYS want to sell you something?

--- End quote ---

i actually like our verizon service, the only time our bill ever went high was when we overshot our minutes, they're always prompt and friendly...and i've never had a failed delivery on any photos i've sent to email.  :D

i'm still trying to discuss the option of going with their wireless internet service, rather than having two bills, one for our phone and another for our miserble cable cable sucks!


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