Monstrous People > Mutants, clones and cyborgs

Genetic mutation

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I had a thought... Are any of you genetically mutated in any way?

The reason I wonder is because I am. My grandfather was caught one mile off shore when they dropped the bomb on Hiroshima in world war 2. He was trapped out on decks of his ship for 15 hours in the radiation fallout and it caused a mutation within his genetic code. That mutation allowed him to live longer than he would have other wise because his mutated genes made an experimental cancer treatment work for him when it had not worked for the other 99 members of his test group.

The mutated genes were passed down to my father and from my father to me. They cause my muscle and bone to be much denser than the normal humans' and it also makes me cystic because my body is constantly trying to heal wounds that aren't there. When I do get a wound I heal much faster than a normal person would.

Anyone have any thoughts, comments, or questions?

Regina Terra:
I'm definitely a genetic variation, cuz I am sterile, and a bunch of other reasons. But I have no idea if I am a flat out mutation. :?

I'm sterile too. From the innumerable cysts.

Regina Terra:
Yeah, I haven't even had a period since sixth grade, but I do regularly get the classic PMS mood swings that all girls get. *<:)

I have my period, but it only lasts 12-36 hours. And because I have endomitriosis it makes my cysts worse.


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