Witches Brew > Pagan Living

A sorcerers garden

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So no nausea if you eliminate the seed covering?

Exactly ;)

ps: i forgot to write that once u blend it and pour water in, u gotta leave it for some 4-5 hours so the active thing melts and stays in water.

Ok morning glory now makes it into the garden here. It'll look good growing up a tower dont you think?

I actually like the idea of certain 'in the know' people looking at the plants in the garden and privately understanding the nature of the place. Nothing actually has to be said. Its a silent private understanding between members of a specialised knowledge set.

By the way i have just sent some salvia seeds. You may understand this more after i send you a PM about it.
Salvia divinorum has a very unique propogation method. Its a sorcerers plant and therefore sends out psychic runners via non material realms. This one way this lineage plant propogates itself.  It does not grow naturally anywhere. It has propogated itself like this for thousands of years now. Just one of its secrets!

I like Morning Glory as fence flower, and soo true about this silent understanding, i find most of my seeds in forgotten gardens, which are so not hidden but no one knows what lies there, what treasures are growing right before their eyes :O

And now im on my heightend alert, expecting them to come to me ;)

God i love gardens.

Imagine a garden where the plants and flowers are all alive to unimaginable levels. Plants we have the most intimate relationships with, teachers, friends, lovers, comforters healers etc. Imagine the energy of each mixing together like an orchestra of visible tangible metaphysical music that we can access just by being near. Some days we can wander through this multi layered landscape just by being quiet, like a pocket universe inside the walls, portals to the unimaginable everywhere.

Sorry if I get a little lyrical at times, its a passion i guess.


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