Apocalypse Soon > Conspiracies

Presidents are puppets


A few decades ago, outside the main CIA headquarters building in Langley, Virginia, I was visiting on journalistic business and saw this statement inscribed in stone: “And the Truth Shall Set You Free.” The irony of such an inscription on a bastion of secrets and secretive people came back to mind recently when I read two-term U.S. President Bill Clinton’s daily diary (billclintondailydiary.blogspot.com) and this rather curious and enigmatic entry posted by him on January 6, 2005, reproduced here verbatim:

“I was on the inside of government, so I know there is more out there than meets the eye. You know, when I was elected, but before I was inaugurated, someone, a total stranger, whom I met on the street asked me to look into Area 51 and Aliens in Roswell, New Mexico. I laughed, but decided to buy a book about the subject. It was very interesting. I asked my good friend Webster Hubbell to investigate the matter. When Hillary talked about the vast right wing conspiracy, she was mocked. Maybe the conspiracy wasn’t a right wing one, but something else. I never did get a clear answer about Area 51 from the ones with the security clearance. And I was the President. More than that you know what happened to me during my second term. And you know what happened to Hubbell. He died. Sometimes you shouldn’t ask questions why, you just have to accept reality.”

While there is some debate on the web as to whether the foregoing entry and the entire Clinton blog constitute a hoax, it is a matter of public record that Webster Hubbell, the U.S. Attorney General during Clinton’s first term in office, reportedly came up against the ‘you don’t need to know’ stone wall that career bureaucrats at the higher levels of government erect around the more sensitive state secrets. Beyond that, if the blog entry is accurate, my inclination is to disregard Clinton’s insinuation that a UFO coverup conspiracy might be responsible for his public humiliation in the Lewinsky affair and for Webster Hubbell’s death by natural causes. That sort of stretching by innuendo simply muddies the waters for truthseekers.

That Clinton would allude to a ‘conspiracy’ being “something else” other than what it seems may not surprise those who remember Clinton’s 1992 Democratic convention acceptance speech, in which he praised his mentor at Georgetown University, professor of history Carrell Quigley. Author of books about ‘the way the real world works,’ Quigley was often branded a ‘right-wing conspiracy theorist’ for describing how a power elite manipulates most governments of the world. This elite coalesced around groups such as The Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission and similar money and power cliques. Quigley, however, fancied himself as a liberal internationalist whose only real quarrel with this power elite was over its penchant for secrecy.


Trying to penetrate federal government secrecy is a quest that has cut across political and ideological divides since World War II. For a 1979 article on conspiracy theories (including Roswell) that I researched and wrote for The Washington Post Magazine, I interviewed Charles Lombard, a former CIA employee, who was then the special assistant for science to U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Sen. Goldwater, as you may recall, had been the Republican Party candidate for President in 1964, losing to Lyndon Johnson. Before that, Goldwater had been a colonel in the U.S. Air Force. He had a longstanding interest in the subject of UFOs. I had heard that Goldwater tried to gain entry to a Wright-Patterson (Ohio) Air Force Base facility in the belief it might be holding debris from a crashed extraterrestrial spaceship, so I asked Lombard to query his boss about the rumor.

In a written statement released to me, Goldwater said: “I asked General Curtis LeMay (head of the Strategic Air Command in the 1960s) if I could go in a room there at Wright-Patterson that was called either the Green Room or the Blue Room, because I thought that was where they kept UFO records. And Curtis LeMay said, ‘you can’t go in there and I can’t go in there.’ But he would never say what was in the room. LeMay never affirmed or denied that UFO records or material were in the room.”

Lombard told me that he and Goldwater were both perplexed by this incident. “We don’t know why the senator was refused admittance. He has a top secret clearance. If there is a departmental clearance for UFOs, I’ve never heard of it.”

In a 1994 interview with CNN television host Larry King, Goldwater elaborated: “I think that at Wright-Patterson, if you could get into certain places, you’d find out what the Air Force and the government does know about UFOs. Reportedly, a spaceship landed. It was all hushed up. I called curtis LeMay and I said, ‘General, I know we have a room at Wright-Patterson where you put all this secret stuff. Could I go in there?’ I’ve never heard him get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out, and said, ‘Don’t ever ask me that question again!’”

Goldwater took the mystery of his encounter with General LeMay to his grave. Numerous other political officeholders have made similar attempts to shake the entrenched bureaucracy for UFO secrets with only limited success. Most noteworthy was President Jimmy Carter, who had filed a UFO report based on a sighting he had while governor of the state of Georgia.

Permit me to offer an insight from personal experience into the mindset of high-level career bureaucrats, the Gatekeepers who can thwart the will of elected officials. During 1983, I was hired by a Presidential Commission to direct a team of lawyers and investigators and to co-write, based on our research, a report to President Ronald Reagan about the Executive Branch of government and how it interacted with the U.S. Congress.

We were supposed to receive unfettered access to the top career civilian officials of every cabinet level department, including the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy. We carried a letter from President Reagan ordering their cooperation. While we did receive the appearance of cooperation, at least when it served the bureaucrat’s interests, what we really got was a civics lesson on how government really operates from the inside.

After confronting one high-level official about his obfuscation and intransigence, he decided to confide in me the following: explanation “Elected officials come and go every election like snowflakes. After they are gone, I am still here. Politicians cannot be trusted with secrets. They tell their spouses, or their staffers, or their friends. Which means the media bloodhounds will eventually pick up the scent.”

This bureaucratic mindset gives us a clue about where to focus attempts to pry loose any remaining government UFO secrets. There are a few dozen ‘gatekeepers’ of information in the intelligence agencies and Defense Department. Identify the positions, identify who holds and has held those positions, and then begin a process of ‘outing’ them if they don’t cooperate in advancing the public interest. What do UFO truthseekers have left to lose?


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