Witches Brew > Dreaming

Dreams of War

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So last night I had a series of very vivid dreams, but the one that stood out the most was of a battle in a medieval-like war.

I was a leader of my own rather large unit (I'm not good with any kind of military lingo, so please excuse me) and was one of three co-leaders of our army.  Our troops were all fully armored in grey and black and our flags were red, white, and black.  I and my troops were on the far left side.  The main commander was slightly wrinkled, but clean shaved, had short, white hair and had greyish white skin.  He was mounted on a gigantic black war horse.  He instructed me to use my brains and we could win.

We were storming a fortress or a castle of some sort, the opposing side with lighter armor.  I wasn't wearing much for armor, but had on dark robes and a chestplate showing our colors along with shoulder armor.  We began to charge, the men behind me and the troops in front of me launching arrows left and right.  I got hit in the arm, but it was just a scratch.  I yelled for my men to move forward, and as I did the other side charged as well. 

I fought men left and right, but out of nowhere it seemed I was hit by a fireball.  I looked up and saw a man with a long blue robe, rather neatly kept medium brown hair, light eyes, and fair skin giving me a rather menacing smile.  He shot another fireball at me and I deflected it with a magic shield.  I shielded myself and threw different elemental attacks at him right and left, but nothing too strong.  I was trying to test his strength.  He surrounded himself with different elements to ward away my attacks, but I hit him with lightening and stunned him for a second.  In my triumph, I was hit in the chest by an arrow.  Out of breath, I pulled out the arrow and took a scroll from beneath my robe.  I surrounded myself in a shield while I wrote on the scroll in my blood with the tip of the arrow.  I don't know what I wrote, but I rolled it up and threw it into the air and it disappeared.  I healed my wound and just stood there for a second.  A rather long second.   The guy in the robes that was fighting me bounced back and took of really fast using some form of magic, running around making a difficult target of himself.  I used one last spell that bound him in spider's silk and I fastened him to the wall of the fortress.  It wasn't long before he escaped, but he did in such a manner that he caused the wall to collapse onto his men and it gave us the advantage to walk right in.

I don't really know what happened after that.  But that was my most recent of war dreams I have had. 

 Wow Dae... You remember a lot of details about your dreams. That's amazing. I wonder what prompts war dreams..

Yeah, I do remember a lot of details.  And that is just one dream of three that I remember from last night. 

I have a lot of war dreams, which doesn't make sense to me because I have to cover my eyes when it's on TV because the violence makes me sick.  I also get sick because of blood and stuff, so all of those dreams I have I don't really have much of an explanation for having. 

An explanation for the origin of these dreams would be nice.

Unholy Saint:
Could you be seeing past memories? Like, you were an Ancestor or something?

If that's true it would probably be past memories of some other plane or universe.  All of my war dreams have that kind of twist, whether it be magic or other beings in the fray or something like that. 

One notable memory from one was a big, dark colored dragonlike thing diving at me with its mouth wide open displaying its teeth as it went to attack me.  At the last second I ducked, threw up my sword, and sliced its underbelly with my blade.  It hit the ground with a skid, and the people around me set the carcass on fire as we continued to fortify our defenses.

So...  It's possible.


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