Witches Brew > Dreaming

Dreams of War

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Unholy Saint:
I see...

Well, I hardly know anything about other dimensions/planes ECT.
So, im no help there. Sorry =-(

It's okay Unholy  :-) And I it was an ancestor of mine, she/he was pretty wicked awesome.

What does anyone else know about war dreams?  Does anyone want to share their own? :-)

Unholy Saint:

I have a dream...

It's me and 2 friends of mine. Us 3 are all alone on a Deserted battlefield, nothing on the ground but bodies, armor, weapons, ECT.  I dont know why were there, it's as if we were summoned there! The sun gets blotted out and all of the bodies on the ground become Re-animated... 100's of dead soldiers charging at us! We dont know what 2 do, we have no weapons! But i'm wearing a chestplate with some kind of Cross on it. (Odd, considering im not religious at ALL) We pick up some weapons from the ground and fight for our survival...

Time passes and as the #s of the dead thin, we think it's finally over... It's not... a huge Black creature emerges from this black and red portal in the ground. It has pure Black eyes, black wings with red trimming and HUGE horns! We have no idea what it is or how to kill it. It starts muttering something and as it is, 1 of my friends starts to turn to Dust! His whole body just gradually fades away... Me and the friend who is alive know that were already dead...

JUST when we think the end is near a beam of light bright as the sun strikes the creature, Obliterating it.

And then i wake up sweating....

Geez!!  That would freak me out to no end!

Could it have been symbollic in the sense that maybe you and your two friends had been fighting the same battles for a long time, helping each other out when times were hard, but then when the odds seemed to look to be the worst one of your friends lost the fight?  Maybe in the moment when you two thought you were lost to this cause just like your friend, a third-party came and helped you two overcome your impending loss?

Just a thought. :-)

Unholy Saint:
Idk... We've been best friends for the past 7 or 8 years.

But, were slowly drifting apart... =-?


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