
Started by TeteoInan, October 17, 2011, 04:04:29 PM

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October 17, 2011, 04:04:29 PM Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 02:16:25 PM by TeteoInan
I almost didn't want to start this Thread, because there are many like it...
But, we have New Members ( Welcome All! ) with Old Topics; this board needs some fresh discussion!

The Two main points I want to address and discuss here are Your Personal Stories and Your Theories on How all of this is Possible.
Of course, in here I'd like to go over the various popular theories; A spiritual connection, an Awakening ( I rather enjoy this one ),  Bilocation ( which is something a member mentioned on a different thread.. Thank you again, 5arah! ) So on, so forth.

I would like to read about our Members' Therianthropic abilities in as much detail as the Individuals are comfortable sharing...
What are you? Is your "Other" a Totem? Perhaps a Soul you've encountered that has attached itself to you? Did you perform or partake in a Ritual? Were you born with this uniqueness? How did you find out? What sort of "Shifting" do you have, and can you describe what happens? How did it feel? What has triggered your more memorable shifts? Any embarrassing or outrageous experiences with your "Beast"?

Oh, all sorts of question!!  :laugh:

Please keep in mind, this is not a Role Playing thread... I would appreciate it greatly, and I'm sure all members would, if Truth was told here.

With that being said, Bring it On!
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

October 17, 2011, 04:48:00 PM #1 Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 04:55:26 PM by ArcticWolf88
Quote from: TeteoInan on October 17, 2011, 04:04:29 PM
I almost didn't want to start this Thread, because there are many like it...
But, we have New Members ( Welcome All! ) with Old Topics; this board needs some fresh discussion!

The Two main points I want to address and discuss here are Your Personal Stories and Your Theories on How all of this is Possible.
Of course, in here I'd like to go over the various popular theories; A spiritual connection, an Awakening ( I rather enjoy this one ),  Bilocation ( which is something a member mentioned on a different thread.. Thank you again, 5arah! ) So on, so forth.

I would like to read about our Members' Therianthropic abilities in as much detail as the Individuals are comfortable sharing...
What are you? Is your "Other" a Totem? Perhaps a Soul you've encountered that has attached itself to you? Did you perform or partake in a Ritual? Were you born with this uniqueness? How did you find out? What sort of "Shifting" do you have, and can you describe what happens? How did it feel? What has triggered your more memorable shifts? Any embarrassing or outrageous experiences with your "Beast"?

Oh, all sorts of question!!  :laugh:

Please keep in mind, this is not a Role Playing thread... I would appreciate it greatly, and I'm sure all members would, if Truth was told here.

With that being said, Bring it On!

Once, again, I'll be the first to respond to one of T's thread  :-D 

Okay, I've always been a little "off-beat" since the beginning. I was like mickey, I used to have terrible dreams of wolves attacking and killing me and my family (which, my family being 10 people, was an all-out gore-fest). Suddenly when I was 13, I dream-shifted in that dream into a wolf and killed, maimed and for all intensive purpose DESTROYED that other wolf in my dream. I discovered that I was probably a Therian from my Aunt, who is into supernatural stuff and I accepted that I was a wolf Therian. I continued to dream-shift, and then a lot of deaths happened in my family and some detrimental stuff happened relationship-wise and some other stuff I don't want to talk about and I started to do pot to calm my depression, but I heard of meditation from a Buddhist friend of mine and decided to try it. Well, long-story short, the meditation caused me to mentally and spiritually shift into a timberwolf, and I felt liberated and free as a wolf, more than I EVER could as a human. I ran with a rough crowd, and started to do heroin, and one time I mentally-shifted while high and...I seriously think (still) that was the fracking best feeling I've ever felt in my life...I eventually met my GF, who was the only other were I knew of in the MPLS area (from Edina, I'm from Anoka)...I think the only reason she stayed with me was true love...At the end of Middle School, her and my mother were the only ones that saved me from myself, checking me into rehab was the best thing that ever happened to me. After Rehab, I turned from a timberwolf to an Arctic wolf in spirit form. Her and I have been together ever since, and formed a pack in HS (her, as ever, being the alpha), with a French-Canadian Vamp girl, her BF (now Husband) and my Raccoon-Therian Best-friend (and his GF, now Fiancee :-D) and we stuck together at HS, we were so the odd ones out in everything! I started the band La Clube Sanguine, we were all in it, and I was the lead singer. I am in college, studying double English-Spanish Major to teach in Puerto Rico, and me and my GF are expecting our first child (YAY!) and after we get married and the baby is born, we will be moving to San Juan. My Vamp friend and her Husband are moving back to Montreal and my Raccoon friend and his fiancee are moving to LA, so my pack is physically breaking-up, but we will NEVER break up spiritually, even if were scattered across the North American Continent...

I'll answer the other portion of your Question later, I'm so tired right now!! Thanks for listening T!!

PS - I agree with T. Seriously, If people want to post RPG stuff, isn't there a thread on that stuff on here somewhere??? Please Stop polluting the Den gamers! There's a BB tailored for you guys elsewhere on this site :) Serious stories only please...
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

"Suddenly when I was 13, I dream-shifted in that dream into a wolf and killed, maimed and for all intensive purpose DESTROYED that other wolf in my dream"

So, your Spiritual change happened right around when all the Physical / Natural changes happened, then? This dream sounds like you may have been ridding yourself of Spiritual restrictions.

"seriously think (still) that was the fracking best feeling I've ever felt in my life"

I've heard something similar from alot of people that do anything Spiritual, not just Therians either... Being High can seriously enhance the sensations, or experience.
Particularly off of something like Salvia and/or Shrooms, apparently.

"After Rehab, I turned from a timberwolf to an Arctic wolf in spirit form."

Do you think your Girlfriend impacted your change? Brought you to a more pure and heartfelt change? Perhaps, opened another spiritual door for you?

"I'll answer the other portion of your Question later, I'm so tired right now!! Thanks for listening T!!"

You're Welcome, Arctic. Thank you for posting! This was a fantastic first story for the topic!
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

October 17, 2011, 07:18:18 PM #3 Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 09:35:12 PM by ArcticWolf88
So, your Spiritual change happened right around when all the Physical / Natural changes happened, then? This dream sounds like you may have been ridding yourself of Spiritual restrictions.

Well kind of, I was in the middle of all that by then, the "natural" changes started happening for me when I was 8, its genetic for both men and women in my family, so nothing unusual there....for us at least....

I've heard something similar from alot of people that do anything Spiritual, not just Therians either...

It still feels awesome, liberating and intoxicating everything I shift, it never gets old. I trust u now T, so I ain't even gonna lie to you; sometimes when I shift its a borderline sexual experience as I shift, sorry if I'm being too perverted by saying that, but its true, I said I wasn't gonna lie and I didn't... I am actually happier as a wolf than as a person a lot of times...I'm so much freer and able to be the true me :)

Do you think your Girlfriend impacted your change? Brought you to a more pure and heartfelt change? Perhaps, opened another spiritual door for you?

Most definitely...she's the one that loves me unconditionally and allowed me to discover my true self...

You're Welcome, Arctic. Thank you for posting! This was a fantastic first story for the topic!

Pleasure to be first poster again, I always post first on all your threads LOL And I got your message and my FB is blocked for some reason, so it will have to wait...I'll friend you as soon as I can :)

Oh and 'Manda asked me to say Hi earlier, she's the vamp friend I spoke earlier about...she's here picking up a few things from my Mom to take with her back to Montreal, we have relatives there, and she said she'd bring a few things up to them for us....mostly heirlooms and such...and there's a lot of French swearing right now, I better go see what happened....Later Teteo!
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

Well kind of, I was in the middle of all that by then, the "natural" changes started happening for me when I was 8, its genetic for both men and women in my family, so nothing unusual there....for us at least....

Alright. So do you know what could have brought on the sudden change?

Or heroin apparently...I was more addicted to the shifting under heroin influence than the actual thing, which did next to nothing for me...and the fact that I had no control over what I did after I shifted when wolf side COMPLETELY took over...I must have cheated on her at least 40 times, and now we still together, and are expecting our first child, and are planning marriage... now tell me that ain't true love...<3

That sounds wonderful, Arctic. She's a strong Woman!

It still feels awesome, liberating and intoxicating everything I shift, it never gets old. I trust u now T, so I ain't even gonna lie to you; sometimes when I shift its a borderline sexual experience as I shift, sorry if I'm being too perverted by saying that, but its true, I said I wasn't gonna lie and I didn't... I am actually happier as a wolf than as a person a lot of times...I'm so much freer and able to be the true me :)

You're fine, no worries. You're not coming onto me or any other member, you're telling how it feels. Quite on topic.
I can't personally understand the emotional and physical impact of a shift, it was one reason I was willing to start the thread...
I do understand the exhilaration when doing anything Spiritual though.

Pleasure to be first poster again, I always post first on all your threads LOL And I got your message and my FB is blocked for some reason, so it will have to wait...I'll friend you as soon as I can :)

My Facebook is set up for all sorts of "hiding", because of certain folks. I never use to be so private about it all. PM me yours, and I'll send you the request. ^.^

Oh and 'Manda asked me to say Hi earlier, she's the vamp friend I spoke earlier about..

Tell her, "Hello" then.  :-)
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

Here is something I originally wrote about myself for another site. :)  More later..

First things first. While I've wanted to do an in depth write up on the subject for some time, I tend to have a difficult time expressing how I feel in regards to my personal therianthropy in words. It's something that just *is*. Whenever I do attempt to write about it, the words just seem to not do the feelings any justice. I've decided to just "let go" and start writing anyway. I apologize ahead of time if something doesn't make sense, is unclear, or disjointed.

There is a part of me that is wolf, and as long as I remember has always been. Though it was around the age of eleven along with puberty that it started making itself a much more forcefully known. Yes, I know rational thought says this is absurd. However in my thirty years of life I've come to accept that not everything in life has to have a clear explanation or make logical sense. Sometimes, one must go with what they feel. It's the part of me that feels most alive outdoors in the wild. Running, sniffing, listening, singing. Whenever I fully "let go," and allow that side to fully take the reins, I no longer perceive myself as human. The best way to describe it to people is that it's like an altered state of consciousness. There are no words, and the thoughts don't translate very well. Time seems to pass differently in this state. The world explodes in scents and sounds, but my normally perfect vision seems to diminish. From my point of view, my body seems much different, furry, quadrupedal and all (though I'm pretty sure if someone saw me, I'd just be a "crazy naked lady" :P). While I always feel some "phantom parts," in this mental state it's even more amplified. This is what is generally termed as a mental shift, or "m-shift." Though in my personal wittings I've always just referred to it as "letting go." While that side of me is always there, beneath the surface, I can only fully let go "all the way" out in nature.

Of course there's much, much, much more to that side of me than just letting go. It also melds in well with everyday life. I enjoy teamwork and fitting into a hierarchy. This seems to help out in the workplace. I feel a sense of "pack" with certain groups of people. Then again humans are also social creatures, so in some cases like this it can become nearly impossible to tell where the human ends and the wolf begins so to speak. There's so many other "things" about that part of myself, but I think for now I'll just leave it at that.

And while the wolf is a major part of me, it is not all of me. I embrace, accept, and enjoy my humanity as well. Some days I feel more wolf than human, other days I feel more human than wolf, and yet on others I feel evenly balanced, like a hybrid of sorts. It changes in cycles it sometimes seems. Though even when I'm feeling my most human, the feeling of having a tail never quite goes away. Wolf is still there, beneath the surface.

QuoteAnd while the wolf is a major part of me, it is not all of me. I embrace, accept, and enjoy my humanity as well.

And in these words lies entire wisdom ;)

October 18, 2011, 09:14:16 AM #7 Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 02:05:31 PM by TeteoInan
I have a vivid imagination, and I'm sure that's all this was. But I still thought it would be nice to share.

As I was reading your post, I started to feel like I was somewhere else. I was reading the words, but watching a movie? Maybe it's because of how tired I am...
I was in the woods, out behind where I use to live running with my "boys".
Suddenly they both speed up. I think they caught a scent, and want to chase it, so I match pace with them.
I can't describe the sensation. It was like a huge tingle, like I was getting ready to fall into a seizure, but a "Nice" one. I was a wolf, and I was running with them. Hell, I looked like their Mommy.
I woke up in the Kitchen, which is about 30 feet away, in front of the stove stirring noodles... like I'd done all I needed to do, on Auto Pilot.

Spiffy, yeah?

A Little bit of explanation:
I use to have two Wolf-Husky hybrids and we use to go running every day. They were always wonderful companions, never had to leash them. Raising them in a Pack structure from pups helped out a great deal... I was their Dominant.
I did the Adopt A Wolf / Sponsorship program when I was a kid ( still have a picture of her somewhere ), She got out and Mated with a Male Husky, had a beautiful litter including my two boys. Due to Money and something else involving Reserve rules, they put the pups up for actual adoption.
In my dream, or vision or whatever this was, keeping up with the two at full pace through the tangled trees and whatnot wasn't a problem. In reality, I probably would have face planted a few times!  :lol:
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

Or! You're a shifter like the rest of us. You know us locals have always felt you are.

I'll post my story later.

Congrats Arctic on your baby.

Azzy you already know my thoughts on that, but since you broached it in public...
If one were to follow my beliefs and things that I have been taught or told... then even if I was never a Therianthrope before, just harnessing/embracing the energy of an animal, I could become one.
But that's almost a different topic, so we'll leave it there.

"Thoughts don't translate very well. Time seems to pass differently in this state. The world explodes in scents and sounds, but my normally perfect vision seems to diminish."

I LOVE hearing about things like this.

"The feeling of having a tail never quite goes away. Wolf is still there, beneath the surface."

So you have a constant reminder of what you are? Is it ever distracting? I know you explained that it seems to have helped you in some situations, but what about hindering? Does the Wolf aspect ever interfere with a task at hand? 

Arctic is this similar to what you feel?
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

@T and 5arah

I feel like that too (and the phantom tail, fur and ears never go away either), the wolf is always there underneath, its in fact a part of you...

After I shift, I'm not a person, I only wolf....Time? What is time when I'm a wolf except the difference between light and dark, not 6pm or 7:45am. I don't think in words, even knowing three languages as a human...I think in pictures, events and instinct. I can smell and hear really well in human-form, but its amplified so much, I can smell things miles away as a wolf...I love being a wolf more than a person, I feel like a transgendered person, born into the wrong species, instead of the wrong gender. I should have been a full-wolf...
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

T. thank you for starting this! I'm assuming Otherkin as well as therian is welcomed? I'm not a therian but I am part fae. If it's ok, I'll post the rest of the story.

Of course, Countess!
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind; it requires the same effort of the brain that it takes to balance oneself on a bicycle."

When I was younger, it was often distracting and interfering. Somehow, over the past decade, it's no longer an issue.  I think maybe giving the wolf its own time and space has helped.

Hehe, or at least not an issue while sober. ;)

Great hearing all of your own stories/thoughts!

And I'd love to raise pups someday, if I ever live somewhere with enough space for them.

I dont consider myself a therion. There are two resons for that. The first and formost is I simply do not like labels. The second is it dosnt describe everything I am, and if I am to take a label, it should fit me well. If I told all there was to tell about myself in regards to this subject many of you would say that I am a therion. That is an opinion you will not yet be able to make as I am not willing to tell you .....yet.

I do have two totems. Ive known about the wolf as far back as I can remember and gained an understanding of it and how to use it to my advantage from my Grandfather who was Cherokee. The crow hid in the shadows for quiet some time. It waited untill the wolf was under control to spread its blackend wings and fly. There is more to a totem than the spirit of one animal. They are on a level higher than a spirit, somewhere in the realm of angels and demons. But any are free to believe them to be what they wish.

There are other labels I could wear if I chose. Some of you probably know what some of them are, others Im sure will find out eventually.