VAMPYR-DHAMPYR: what are the differences?

Started by Nina, July 01, 2008, 03:19:14 AM

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VAMPYR-DHAMPYR: what are the differences?

Ok, until I get to do more research on this, does anyone know this?

By monstropedia definition of a vampire is:

and of a dhampyr:

Why this thread? cause the legend goes that only a dhampyr can kill a vampyr.

Trze or false? What do YOU think?

false vaintines,elves(not those short ones those arn't even real),antlanteans,and aquas can all easily kill a vampire if u have any ?'s email me at
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"

That wasnt targeted on a kind of humanoid, there are dampyrs and vampyrs in any humanoid kind. And no, the Chitah doesnt count....

killops,rodes,dargons,dragons,and some types of dragnitites know how to kill a vampire and they're not humanoid
plus vaintines,tolkas,elves and antlanteans cant become vamps
aquas can but they're just like humans except they have 2 stomics(1 for storing energy,not the kind that comes from food but aroras)
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"

A dhampyr is half human and half vampire. The mother is human and the father is vampire and from what i've heard dhampyrs are suposed to hunt vampyrs. I'm not sure about that last part so im sorry to any dhampyrs who might be offended

Yes, that is what legends say, dhampyrs should hunt vampires. But I didnt say that they do that, at least not all, and I really dont think that today people are always aware of their... vampiric heritage....

Actually, Dhampirs can have a human father & a vampire mother, they just come out as a second category, like Ligers & Tylons. Don't know the exact name, but they do have similarities & differences. <=/

Well, I researched it a little bit. Got some confusing answers. :?

well what about what latathia said
dauði er meta of hátt

I wonder if my sisters are dhampyrs? Those soul sucking leeches wouldn't surprise me if they are. :|

August 16, 2008, 06:58:21 PM #11 Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 07:16:13 PM by blow_fly
According to the original Slavic and Roma folklore, a dhampir is born when a dead man from the grave as a vampire to repeatedly rape his widow. If you had a an unusual parentage of the above nature, then it's safe to assume that you're a dhampir.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight

But what about today's psychic vampires? & their offspring? :?

They'd just be vampires,I guess. Not dhampirs.
''Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Come on, hit me. *Hit me!''

-The Joker to Batman, The Dark Knight

Quote from: blow_fly on August 16, 2008, 06:58:21 PM
According to the original Slavic and Roma folklore, a dhampir is born when a dead man from the grave as a vampire to repeatedly rape his widow. If you had a an unusual parentage of the above nature, then it's safe to assume that you're a dhampir.

Reverse necrophilia? EWW....... anyway, that could just be the wifey there getting jiggy with someone else. *<:)
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