The True Vampire

Started by Ryobi, April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM

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April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 02:02:55 AM by Ryobi
Got a few qualms about people who believe they may be vampires due to quite general and sometimes outright ridiculous reasons. Following is a list of things I've heard so far and I suggest that you read this before posting any thread asking if you may be a vampire. You might find it answers one or two of your queries for you.

1) Sunlight:
Everyone burns, it is quite normal to be sensitive to the sun, especially those who are fairskinned or those who live in the tropics (the sun is freaking STRONG here). However, this can also be caused by not getting enough sun. "A lack of which has been shown to cause and or exacerbate problems with mood, hormones, and immunological processes. All of which contribute to a multitude of 'vampiric symptoms' " (Moloch).

'Loving blood' indicates a fetish of some kind, such as one that is related to BLOOD, not vampirism. Vampirism is a need for energy, not an obsession with blood. When you get a rush from tasting blood, it's because taking blood from another through the act of biting them (or similar), has the same effect on a person's adrenaline levels, as punching a guy in the face. It directly correlates with the exertion of energy, both physical and emotional, because drinking blood or punching a guy in the face, is seen as an act of violence, it is labelled as taboo by many people, which makes it more 'exciting'. Unusual, forbidden, shocking things cause more of a stir simply because they go against the norm and because they are forbidden.

3) I always feel thirsty:
I don't really know what to say about this one other than, there are so many other possibilities that could explain this. For instance dehydration. If you drink a lot of water though, maybe you should look into diabetes? Excessive thirst can also be a sign of being pregnant, a symptom of anemia, hyperaldosteronism (increase in the hormone aldosterone), hypokalemia (too little potassium), and hypercalcemia (too much calcium).  Because something is working overtime, you need to drink more water. Really, come on guys, being thirsty? I'm thirsty right now but that's because I actually do have a mild case of Anemia.

4) I haz heightened senses!:
Actually, this can be caused by puberty, anxiety or stress. During puberty, hormones in your body run wild, rearrange themselves, new hormones get produced... etc., etc., pp. ad nauseum and this causes all kinds of nasty side effects. Anxiety can be seen as a undefined fear and fear causes your senses to 'stand to attention'. Same with stress, it makes you jumpy and hormones get out of whack as a result. Many therians claim to have heightened senses as well, in fact some normal people just have a sense that is stronger than their others any way. Neural networks can be formed which make it more likely for someone to react to certain stimuli more easily. People with a disability such as blindness, can find that another sense becomes heightened due to the weakness in this other area. There are many explanations for heightened senses, that don't lead to being a vampire!

5) I drank mai own blood and it made me feel better:
Look buddy, would you agree that food gives you energy and certain essentials? Well if you throw up your food and eat it again, does that mean you can re-absorb the same energy/essentials? NO NO NO NO NO NO, in fact over time you'll jsut get sick eating things again, this is the same with blood, drinking your own can in time may you Anemic. This also links back to what was said before about consuming other people's blood, it's an unusual thing to do, and more of a psychological thing than a physical thing.

6) Can you turn me into a vampiiiiirrrrreeee?
This is a pretty controversial topic, some seem to believe it is actually possible, others will flat out refuse that it can happen. Not many know how, not many have an interest in the subject, not many see it as worth the risk and not many even see it as possible. Also, it's said that you will only have to take energy and be in this condition for about a month at most or it just won't work at all.

Quoteyou need to permanently damage the energy body, which is no small feat, and you have to enhance two chakras. The two are the third eye one and the throat one. And I think you have to damage the navel chakra or burn it out. Temporary vampirism can occur naturally through trauma or by being drained of energy that you can't replenish in one resting.

What it seems to boil down too is that if you do this consciously; once you've taken the leap, you're left with only half the creep. You'll experience problems such as a need for energy (thirst/hunger, headaches, physical weakness) however you're still going to be human. Many of the 'perks' that this condition gives, (being stronger, heightened senses and the rest of it) you won't have, you're now temporarily, half of what you were and half of what you want to be and will probably find yourself generally rejected by both parties because of it. As far as I can tell, it's a lonely, cursed and quite limiting exsistence for one to bear.

You can't go looking for solitude because you can't afford to not be around people. There's always the moral issue of feeding off your fellow man. The mistake of creating too many psychic links with the wrong people. Or the issue of finding a blood donor and the worry of being left without one to supply that blood. That constant feeling of an empty stomach and a parched mouth, (many fight obesity in an effort to get rid of that feeling). Becoming perceptible to other's emotions, which can make your moods fluctuate LIKE NOTHING ELSE. It's a self-destructive circle because you'll want shielding constantly from other people's unguarded states and to stop yourself invading their privacy, but you're DEPENDANT on it. No life is without hardship, deal with your own burdens instead of taking on more, even for a small while. God damnit.

7) I am FASCINATED by vampires/wolves/bears/pixies/etc:
This doesn't make you one, people become obsessed with things every day. I'm obsessed with astrology but that doesn't make me one of the stars and I know the standard response to that, is;'but it's not the same thing, you can't BE a star'. Well, people are obsessed with aliens, that doesn't make them one, people are obsessed with fairies but that doesn't make them a fairy, many children are obsessed with Santa Claus, that doesn't mean they're a fat old man making stupid little toys in their stupid little toy station up at the stupid north pole.

People's fascination with vampires seems to be because they see them as special or better than they really are. No, this is WRONG, everyone has needs and issues and something that is different about them. Some people just happen to have an energy deficiency and solve this problem by gathering external energy. These are vampires. The fact that they must feed continuously, that they feel weaker in the sun, have heightened senses which probably feel like a hangover that will never end at times, that they are more perceptible to the feelings around them are NOT GOOD THINGS, these are problems that real people live with and deal with every day. What is so great about this 'condition'? It is such a hard thing to have to master and live with. Why do you want so much to be a part of this?

Well Ryobi, there is a myriad of reasons, the mains ones being:

1) by victimising yourself you can appear tougher, stronger, more resilient and gain respect. The Roman Empire and many other civilisations in the past (Athenians, Saxons) have used this tactic. They would exagerrate the enemy force, so that when these forces were defeated, the legions/military/army would look better in the eyes of the public.

'I laid down a GIANT with this HAMMER right here' sounds a lot more impressive than 'I laid down an EXTREMELY OBESE WOMAN with this MALLET right here'.

2) Victimising yourself grabs people's attention, the result of which is sympathy and recognition for said acts.

3) People feel that the only way to be an authority on something is to represent.

For instance 'I have delt/done/been/experienced' sounds a lot more reliable and truthful than 'I have read/studied/researched/had an interest in'.

4) People feel the need to find a reason for how they feel. If someone is insecure, physically weak, depressed or suffering from other such problems then it's easier to say, well I am a vampire who is low on energy than it is to say, I need help. I think Old Bill explained this better when he said:

QuoteIts rare to find people who will openly admit to feeling like a nobody, inferior, or any other vulnerable notions. No one likes to feel inferior or weak. Especially those who are naturally introverted or emotionally sensitive.

I think that the specialness that comes from thinking you are a vampire, werewolf, and all the other powerful interesting belief templates are often just like band aids that people wear over the real root feelings related to crappy feelings we have about ourselves.

To end.

People, in order to be special you simply have to be. There is no individuality in this area, people try to be something they're not and in doing so comply with a structure, rule, label and stereotype. If you do not take into account that vampirism is a curse, not a blessing and instead choose to preach about your supposed 'specialness' without warning others of what this condition really entails, you will never be taken seriously or gain anything from the facade, especially not respect. The same goes for being a person, saying you are therian or a vampire does not deem you exempt from human faults, it does not set you above the rest. You will always be a person, admit it now and face your own fears and doubts, whatever they may be.

To be true, is wisdom and respect, despite what others see. Please, don't clog up these channels with lies that benifit no one.
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

When i see may so called vampire posts i am just left wondering if its a case of people covering up insecurities in their life with a patch work of beliefs.

Its rare to find people who will openly admit to feeling like a nobody, inferior, or any other vulnerable notions. No one likes to feel inferior or weak. Especially those who are naturally introverted or emotionally sensitive.

I think that the specialness that comes from thinking you are a vampire, werewolf, and all the other powerful interesting belief templates are often just like band aids that people wear over the real root feelings related to crappy feelings we have about ourselves.

I see quite of what i believe to be mask wearing here on the site. Masks have their uses though. And though i think that the theatre that they bring can be used as a creative tool to do some interesting things, I still think they are masks.

This of course is just my view on it.

The problem is,it's very to distinguish it. Because every symptom can be explained, even the energy defecency(thyroid problems). So it is not something you can just say "I have the symptoms, so I am.". It is so much more to it.   
-The shadows connect us all-

QuoteThe problem is,it's very to distinguish it. Because every symptom can be explained, even the energy defecency(thyroid problems). So it is not something you can just say "I have the symptoms, so I am.". It is so much more to it.   

Exactly, it's like someone with no inner energy centre relayed what issues he has (with sunlight, energy levels etc) and it just got blown way out of proportion and now its as if listing symptoms makes you a vampire, or any other kind of 'specialness' (thanks for the expression oldbill mate).

Low energy levels can also be a sign of depression. And this ties in with what someone else said:

QuoteWhen i see may so called vampire posts i am just left wondering if its a case of people covering up insecurities in their life with a patch work of beliefs.

This is very true, I think this is one of the things I was trying to get at before. I guess if you say that you're something like a vampire, therian, fairy and can somehow make this one label represent the cause for all your problems, in a way you put a face to an internal issue as well. It gives you something to blame and something to support your internal conflicts and confusion with. I don't know about you, or anyone else but I know that this method works for me.

Masks have many uses, as much as they a scape goat, they can also be a form of armour. If you wear a mask and people attack it, you know it's not the real you, so it doesn't a person as much. Not too mention, it's much more easy to change what you project than who you are inside. Much easier to control.

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

Quote from: Bo Sundin on April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM
Got a few qualms about these vamp traits and how people claim to have them and yet you just sense that they are completely normal, like myself.

1) Sunlight:
I know that I feel terrible in the sun, like any normal person should, but that's a mixture of a lot of things, for instance the constant heat and the constant light. No one can stand walking into the sun because it does make your eyes ache and every thing else burn. In fact, most people get that feeling of pressure in their head because you're squinting so hard your muscles clench up and won't 'un-clench'. After a while no one can stand having the sun on their back (or front) because it just bears down and burns, that's the nature of heat. Just because you experience these symptoms means that yes, you are sensitive to sunlight, as sensitive as the rest of us are.

Actually, if you're feeling that terrible, burning pain in sunlight, then you've not been getting nearly enough sunlight. A lack of enough sunlight has been shown to cause and or exacerbate problems with mood, hormones, and immunological processes. All of which contribute to a multitude of 'vampiric symptoms'.

Quote from: Bo Sundin on April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM
'Loving blood' indicates a fetish of some kind, such as one that is related to BLOOD, not vampirism. Vampirism is a need for energy, not an obsession with blood. When you get a rush from tasting blood, it's because taking blood from another through the act of biting them (or similar), has the same effect on a person's adrenaline levels, as punching a guy in the face. It directly correlates to exertion of energy, both physical and emotional, because it is a violent act and the fact that it is seen as taboo by many people, makes it more 'exciting' as unusual, forbidden, shocking things cause more of a stir simply because they go against the norm and because they are viewed as taboo(ish).

Totally agree.

Quote from: Bo Sundin on April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM
3) I always feel thirsty:
I don't really know what to say about this one other than, there are so many other possibilities that could explain this. For instance dehydration. If you drink a lot of water though, maybe you should look into diabetes? Excessive thirst can also be a sign of being pregnant, a symptom of anemia, hyperaldosteronism (increase in the hormone aldosterone), hypokalemia (too little potassium), and hypercalcemia (too much calcium).  Because something is working overtime, you need to drink more water. Really, come on guys, being thirsty? I'm thirsty right now but that's because I actually do have a mild case of Anemia.

Again, I totally agree.

Quote from: Bo Sundin on April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM
4) I haz heightened senses!:
Actually, this can be caused by puberty, anxiety or stress. During puberty, hormones in your body run wild, rearrange themselves, new hormones get produced... etc., etc., pp. ad nauseum and this causes all kinds of nasty side effects. Anxiety can be seen as a undefined fear and fear causes your senses to 'stand to attention'. Same with stress making you jumpy and hormones getting out of whack as a result. This also isn't just linked to vampirism or one of the things mentioned above, many therians claim to have heightened senses as well, in fact some normal people just have a sense that is stronger than their others any way. Also, neural networks can be formed which make it more likely for someone to react to certain stimuli more easily. People with a disability such as blindness, can find that another sense becomes heightened due to the weakness in this other area. There are many explanations for heightened senses, that don't lead to being a vampire!

Once more - totally agree!!

Quote from: Bo Sundin on April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM
5) I drank mai own blood and it made me feel better:
Look buddy, would you agree that food gives you energy and certain essentials? Well if you throw up your food and eat it again, does that mean you can re-absorb the same energy/essentials? NO NO NO NO NO NO. This links back to what was said before about consuming other people's blood, it's an unusual thing to do, and more of a psychological thing than a physical thing.

Actually, there is a difference here. In the case of drinking your own blood, the only thing you're really doing is making yourself aenemic in the most agonizingly slow manner possible. Also, if you drink too much at once, then you really will become ill, physically... ill.

Quote from: Bo Sundin on April 26, 2009, 03:24:28 AM
6) I am fascinated by vampires:
This doesn't make you a vampire, people become obsessed with things every day. I'm obsessed with astrology but that doesn't make me one of the stars and I know the standard response to that, is;'but it's not the same thing, you can't BE a star'. Well, people are obsessed with aliens, that doesn't make them one, people are obsessed with fairies but that doesn't make them a fairy, many children are obsessed with Santa Claus, that doesn't mean they're a fat old man making stupid little toys in their stupid little toy station up at the stupid north pole.

People's fascination with vampires seems to be because they see them as special or better than they really are. No, this is WRONG, everyone has needs and issues and something that is different about them. Some people just happen to have an energy deficiency and solve this problem by gathering external energy. These are vampires. That they must feed continuously, feel weaker in the sun, have heightened senses that probably feel like a hangover that will never end at times, being perceptible to all the feelings of everyone around them are not good things, these are problems that real people live with and deal with every day. What is so great about this 'condition'? Personally it seems like such a hard thing to have to master and live with. Why do you want so much to be a part of this?

Is it because victimising yourself gets other peoples attention and sympathy? Because by having to 'go through this' it makes you look like a better, wiser battle type than you really are? I just do not understand the real reason.

I apoligise for the rant, this issue just gets a bit too much at times. When I go onto countless sites and see post after post of 'Am I vampire?', 'I love BLOOD', 'my boyfriend bit me and I liked it!' etc, it makes me so incredibly angry because people just don't seem to understand the down sides and consequences of no inner-energy centre. And I can't post and say, NO, you are not a vampire because there is still the chance they are. ARGH.

Nor is this directed at anyone on this forum in particular, just something that I can't get OUT OF MY MIND.

Please feel free to add anything I missed though if you want:

I agree here as well... to a point. A Psychic Vampire, as that is what you are referring to here, does not necessarily feel weaker in the sun. I go out in the sun all of the time, and while I do get a sunburn fairly easily, it is because at the moment I am genetically a red-head, and as such am prone to sunburn.

Great job, Bo... there is hope for the human race yet...

  I move that we sticky this thread, as a guide for those who feel they need to indentify themselves as vampires.  Not necessarily as a way to refute someones claims, but to get them to closely examine themselves before making such a claim.

QuoteGreat job, Bo... there is hope for the human race yet...

  While I too agree he has done a great job, I think humanity as a race ran out of hope long, loooonnngggg, ago.  ( That is however just my opinion, and while I know it means very little in the big scheam of things, I can help myself in expressing it )
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

Quote from: Muerte on April 27, 2009, 09:20:51 AM
  I move that we sticky this thread, as a guide for those who feel they need to indentify themselves as vampires.  Not necessarily as a way to refute someones claims, but to get them to closely examine themselves before making such a claim.

Seconded. I think this would be a great idea. However, I say we move it to Blood Track, and copy it to the Werewolf and Therian threads as well. This way, we can get all of the groups at once.

Quote from: Moloch on April 27, 2009, 09:57:34 AM
Quote from: Muerte on April 27, 2009, 09:20:51 AM
  I move that we sticky this thread, as a guide for those who feel they need to indentify themselves as vampires.  Not necessarily as a way to refute someones claims, but to get them to closely examine themselves before making such a claim.

Seconded. I think this would be a great idea. However, I say we move it to Blood Track, and copy it to the Werewolf and Therian threads as well. This way, we can get all of the groups at once.

It would ofc have to be slightly modified to fit the other two catagories, and to be a little more politically correct (though lord knows I hate doing it) The heading would need to be changed, to satisfy forum decorum.  Something Like "So you THINK your a ......"  How about it Bo, you up to working something like this up?  You have done a great job so far.

Moloch, cann't you, as a Mod, make something like this happen during one of the weekly meetings?  ( Yes I know some of how mods work, and have thought of offering my services here, but I think there is still more I need to learn before I can stand before someone and say "Yes I know what I'm talking about" )
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

Ummm, as a MOD you say?? Um, no, I have not a been either a Guardian or a Moderator for some time. However... All one needs to do is bring his idea to a staff member's or Loki's attention, and it will likely be done.

As for PC-ing it up et. al. ... I loathe the very idea of such a thing! Part of this thread's power is its very lack of anything Politically Correct. As I say, with minor revisions to make it Board appropriate to each section, let its current form suffice.

My bad, I thought I seen a mod mark last time I looked at your prof.  I'll simple get in touch with Loki then.  And as to the PC portion, damn I thought I was cold, man you are a refreshing experience to say the least, guess living as a DoD troll for so long has even I a little tamer than I once was.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

Quote from: Muerte on April 27, 2009, 10:23:06 AM
My bad, I thought I seen a mod mark last time I looked at your prof.  I'll simple get in touch with Loki then.  And as to the PC portion, damn I thought I was cold, man you are a refreshing experience to say the least, guess living as a DoD troll for so long has even I a little tamer than I once was.

There likely was a Moderator tag there last time, though that was months ago.

And me? Cold?! A cold-hearted/minded man is as bubbly warm and effervescent as the Jebus next to me. When I espouse a belief in something, I include myself in it as well. For example, if I were to rape a woman, I would request the death sentence for myself - just as I've demanded it in other threads for rapists... No one is above the law - not even those who write them.

Too bad certain older members are no longer here... they could tell you stories of how I have coldly calculated and executed plans which have left people utterly destroyed... No... cold doesn't begin to describe me. But thank you for the psycho-emotional masturbation, lmao!

The idea is not bad however it needs some rewriting ...

The main point is that the condition of vampire is not something to be desired - it is more a curse than a blessing ...
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).

Volia, the man has spoken and he said it was good.
-The shadows connect us all-

And now alls we need is a little rewrite.

QuoteBut thank you for the psycho-emotional masturbation, lmao!

You're welcome lol.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

April 27, 2009, 01:49:00 PM #14 Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 02:19:07 PM by Bo Sundin
Sure I can re-write. I'll just take out all of the pissy, whining and replace it with more statements that apply to each sub-type on this forum. Which ones in particular should be addressed? Also what definite changes should I make and what should I add?

I think that adding political correctness would be a step down but might need to be done in places. I want to keep with the 'NO NO NO' aspect of a thread, if it's polite people will find it more boring, won't bother to read it and may not see it as a viable enough threat to heed it's warning at all. The threat of an angry Australian is alright, a lecture from someone who reckons they know what they're talking about, is sort of like setting the stereotypical, parental figure loose in here...


QuoteActually, if you're feeling that terrible, burning pain in sunlight, then you've not been getting nearly enough sunlight. A lack of enough sunlight has been shown to cause and or exacerbate problems with mood, hormones, and immunological processes. All of which contribute to a multitude of 'vampiric symptoms'.

Really, I thought this was normal? I guess, in Queensland, the sun is pretty strong and a lot of the time, you can feel your skin literally burning. Maybe I should fix up this paragraph and get some more outside opinions on the subject, add your list of other possible causes and possibly get myself checked out lol. I hate being in cars so I spend A LOT of time in the sun as it is, riding and walking. Sort of a catch 22 that one, would be good to  not feel the pain anymore...
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"