
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Aliens Are Protecting Us

Started by Nina, September 20, 2006, 04:38:00 AM

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Yeah, right... I dont buy that for some reason.... funny how some people always find excuses for their fear from knowledge, and say it fear from God! Remember, it was not God who told you this, but people who run the religion. Do some "christian" research and you will finsd that Bible had been rewritten for many, many times since. Also, ask yourself why priests have best houses and cars and even their own businesses but if someone in trouble comes to them they say that is just a punishment for something and do a lot of pray.... Im OK with Jesus, but you people mix institution and propaganda with true teachings of rabi Jeshua. And that is why Im not proud to be christian.....

logic for you

well i think that thats pepole how take advanteg of  the religion think back when jesus was around there were alot of pepole who posed as the messiah and took advantage of that religion.
think about muhamad he was cast out a city went up into the mountains and praid for a long time without food or water then he came back with a bunch of followers and got revenge on the city and then established a religion close christianti  :cry: the schools got to me :cry:
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


EEEEh... one thing: islam is older than christianity..... Muhamed gave a new insight in that religion and actually recognized Jesus as a son of God.....

one question or two for you:

1. How old are you?  :?

2. Are you in any chance american?  :roll:

logic for you

im a teen  and yes i live in america why do you ask?
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


logic for you

yea and right and global warming jumped ahead 20 years :lol:
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


Quote from: Nina on March 15, 2007, 12:18:33 PM
Quote from: Robigus on March 15, 2007, 05:21:34 AMSorry, but I just don't believe that this is influenced by UFOs instead of natural human progression.  Besides, if they were protecting us as is stated, why do they allow the wars to go on?

Nobody said it is influenced BY the UFOs, the fact is that the changes influence them.
They are protecting us in their boundaries, cause they are not God, and there is someone above them also.
Can any of us here on Earth allow or dissalow something truly? Can you allow or dissalow death? Murder? Car accidents? The bloody rain?

They are NOT almighty, and therefore are limited to their laws (be it of phisics or religion).

shes right only the ruler decieds what happens, we are here to protect you with in the 'boundries'
not to stop wars, be sides dont you humans learn form your wars

we are already trying to stop the council from making your numbers from 6.7billion to 500million

if you want to know a more acurate perdiction of world war 3 / 2012AD then go to this site and read every thing(it not fully acurate like the angels and other creatures in it are aliens+ the fact that once this starts to happen humans will be joined in a battle for this universe)

now i must tell you this will most likly happen  only if RTCGC KAY lets himself known

these are the events that lead up to WW3 (this was made by nostrodamus)
1 A conflict between the US and Iran (check)
2 The next major terrorist attack on the US (check)
3 Osama,obama, and some one(but I dont remember his name)
4 The nuclear destruction of Rome

this is  another site you might look into
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


Quote from: Robigus on March 15, 2007, 12:46:04 PM
Okay, if these changes are not influenced by the aliens, then I think I missed the point of your article.  What are the aliens protecting us from?  How are they protecting us?
4 words human
Mantos+alies. & universal war
does that tell you any thing Robigus
we also sheld you from most astriods+we do stay out of human busness but thats only because we care(I dont know why) and no we do not make deals with any body its not our place
all though in the 40s we tried to give america a satilite laser blaster but they didnt take it
but guess what humans made one (thats another thing we're trying to protect humans from is over evolution)
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


So, you are stopping us from evolving? Isnt that, like, too much of your... "non-interference"?


no we're not trying to stop humans from evolving
for 1 humans are overpopulated
so we're trying to get humans more on the space exploration and off of the doing of the weopons building to save you humans from extinction
"Look its a girl" said the doctor

"If she has my genes you might want to give her to me"


"I bite, hard"


logic for you

love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


that is so aswome
like really I wish that would happen(the space and weopons thing)
oh well wish in one hand crap in other and see which fills faster
dauði er meta of hátt

logic for you

is it true that humans lose 2% bone mass for every month in space
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


They lose a lot, not sure how much. I saw a show about how they were trying to create artificial gravity so they can prevent broken bones in Space.

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