
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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Aliens Are Protecting Us

Started by Nina, September 20, 2006, 04:38:00 AM

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The article isnt created  by me, cause I copy-pasted it from the link below, but I am NOT the author. I dont think that aliens are protecting us from anything.

About the changes: Yes, life is always changing, but Im not talking about growing up and moving out on your own. Also, I made a mistake to simply point at war somewhere (cause war always is, somewhere), what really will make a change are the consiquences of ones nation wars against other certain nations, in name of God and other bolony.... but, its hard to understand when I cant tell you more. And its not that I have some super knowledge, I just cant cause I really dont know how I know and I really dont like talking about some things.

If you would like to think that I talk rubish, please do so. You have a right on your opinion as much as I do (and vice versa).

And no, war in Iraq is not so different, but the reasons for war is (history book page 13).

About the article: I dont think they are observing military cmps to protect US, more to see what we have to protect from them. It really isnt simple, cause there are more than one "race" of aliens and not all have the same intensions.


The thing is that society isn't moving differently than it was way back at the beginning.  It's faster, yes, but that's based on a relatively predictable exponential curve. 

Wars are always happening for the same reasons they always have.  Someone wants power.  Political, religious, social, economical,'s all about power.  Iraq is the same.  It's either the power that comes from oil, having the power to crush those who "defied" us by attacking us, or gaining power by spreading our system of government depending on what you believe.  I don't see it as being different at all, but just like many other terrible wars that happen for "dumb" reasons.

The thing is, wars aren't unnatural at all.  Most pack animals, like us, fight in wars for territory which means in turn food and the ability to procreate.  Nature is moving along as it always has.  Rather predictable in the long run even though there might be bumps along the road. 

I honestly don't feel anything different about now than I've read people feeling hundreds or thousands of years ago.  The same problems exist and always have...we just seem to like to think we're "special" and that these thoughts of "humans are going to destroy themselves" is new.  It's been there for ages, but most never read enough history to know about it.

As far as the article...I'm still confused as to who's protecting who and how.  It seems strange that they would want us to know that they're there but not show their faces if they're really protectors.  Also, I find it strange that they're always flying so low yet are not seen by most.  I guess I'm a little confused on their tactics if they really were protecting us.  Saying they have to follow laws, are different races, etc, is anthropormorphising something we really know nothing about, so you can't really assert that when it comes to aliens.  Of course, if there were such easy, clear cut answers we wouldn't even have this forum!


True: a war is always a war and peoples feelings about them is always the same, essppecially for the ones in it.

Sorry, but yes, i can assert some things about them, but to explaine how would be getting on the hook.

To repeat: Im not the author of the article, and it is not my opinion, cause I dont think they can protect us from ourselves. They are more advanced in tech than us, but they are limited in their doing.

Also, they show their faces to some. but they dont always have a face.  :-D 


Unfortunately, it doesn't much sound like this is going anywhere, since you can't tell us how you know.  We could bicker all day, but that's all it would be, bickering.  Without supporting evidence, it is impossible to make assertions seriously.


Sometimes you cant get a firm evidence... Im sorry. But to explaine how I know is pretty much as unbelieavable as many things on this site... I just know...  :|


I guess that's the end of this dicussion then.  When you "just know" something it becomes simple faith, and that cannot be proven or disproven because you will believe what you believe and you have nothing to make others believe the same until something comes along and throws your theory in your face or shows it to be correct by action alone.


Quote from: phyrrestar on March 16, 2007, 11:02:54 AM
I guess that's the end of this dicussion then.  When you "just know" something it becomes simple faith, and that cannot be proven or disproven because you will believe what you believe and you have nothing to make others believe the same until something comes along and throws your theory in your face or shows it to be correct by action alone.

That is logicall.


i do not think that aliens are protecting us, in fact some of the good aliens have a prime directive just like in star trek the next gen, an vovager, of non interference, we are on our own an the american goverment has made deals with the greys, which are actually white in colour, as back in the late 40's they were the only country to have advanced radar an nuclear wepons, the only place in the world at the time, it makes me sick to think of what these grey litle bast**ds are doing to countless humans an children abducting them and killeng them for ther secretions, i do beleive in god an do belive that they will get theres :gun:, barry,


Interesting, why do you say so?


DO you actually think nations do DEALS with aliens .. a contract for lethal weapons like nuclear weapons in return with human souls>> or do u believe they actually helped the ancient egyptians build the pyramids?? lol
Fire awaits the evil ...


the world ending in 2012 is no coincedense i believe its possible that the sun really does have a electro reversal that will switch our pole positions cause the world to reform and restrat humanity was seeded by pacifist aliens residing on planet x the aliens monitor every last person alive and select the ones who are the unselfish the open minded the empathetic, sympathetic and humane and treat them to the answers of the universe the rest are reseeded on earth and memory wiped to a certain point and recollect the ones who break free of their un humane ancestors it is very possible that this is a reoccuring cycle that exists on many other planets to create a master race of peace and correct authority
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!


QuoteDO you actually think nations do DEALS with aliens .. a contract for lethal weapons like nuclear weapons in return with human souls>> or do u believe they actually helped the ancient egyptians build the pyramids?? lol

No, not nations, just a little number of privileged people, cause they are aliens themselves. You may think this is funny, but ask yourself: would human do to another such awful crimes for nothing? History is full of reptile progeny trying and succeeding in conquering the world. Nuclear weapon is just like a rock in hand in opposite of really destructional stuff they dont tell you about. And they have no real need in human souls, for them its something they want to get rid of, they need our flesh and blood most. All vampire and lycan legends people had been telling for centuries, is nothing more but people telling about their abductions, cause they need rituals and human sacrifices and they do shapeshift, and they do have a knowledge to do genetic experiments for much longer time than what they wanted us to know. Do you really think they need our permission to clone or whatever evil they do? They think of us as we think of jellyfish. And they laugh at our face. Be aware they do read this, they gave us "freedom" to speak on the net just to see what we think. And I want them to see that we are finally waking up.

Killfast: You have a point, but there is much more to that than creating "a master race of peace and correct authority".
Our only hope is to see this as truth cause that way they wont be able to lie to us and use us. They have a power to come to anyone they see as a threat, by that I mean any person that is opened and has a power sleeping within them to help this world become what it was ment to be in a first place. But they came and made us ignorant slaves by cutting our genome and they are affraid to see us do our evolutionary leap. cause they wouldnt have any more slaves. The irony in all of this is that they brainwashed all human kind for so long, they made humans watchers of themselves. You just turn around and you will see that everywhere you go. Even in your own family. How many times did you hear: Dont do that! What will people say?
they made sure that Homo homini lupus est, but we have to realise it is not in our nature. And let others live their lives as they are really ment to live. The way they want to live it.

logic for you

in the bible it doesnt say that god didnt create other beings of life :-D
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"


Yes, but it didnt say he did also, does it?  :-D

logic for you

true but god might not whant us to know to much
love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back, guilty of dust and sin.

                                      -- george herbert, "love (III)"

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