Zombies;Army Of The Dead

Started by I Monster, May 19, 2004, 03:28:00 AM

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Favourite Zombie Movie.

Night of the living dead,Dawn Of The Dead,Day Of The Dead,Zombie Flesh eaters,other?
4 (100%)
Scariest Zombies.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: May 19, 2004, 03:28:00 AM

I think it is long over due for another in the Zombies series following on from 'Day Of The Dead',what happens to to Bub the thinking Zombie?,this guy must be very lonely as he goes away on his own at the end of the film,not seming to want to be part of the ravanous hoards,he would no doubt be the commander of some Zombie army and instigate education to the others,imagine an organised Zombie army?Frightening indeed!It was clear in the film that he had retained some knowledge of his military past,he soon picked up the idea of using a gun,but this guy also appreciated Beethovens 9th Symphony,so,definetly a cultured individual!.Ok,so i watched the movie again last night and these thoughts occured to me,i am also a big fan of Zombie movies especialy 'Zombie Flesh Eaters',my group is at  http://groups.msn.com/ZOMBIEAcRoPoLiS.I am also planning some fan fiction there and would appreciate any ideas or contributions :twisted: