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9/11 Koran burning

Started by rave phillaphia, September 09, 2010, 07:31:25 PM

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rave phillaphia

I am glad he coped out. It is completely wrong and ignorant of Islamic religion. Christians aggervate me sometimes. It shows us that we are just as bad as the radicals on 9/11. Oh by the way it wasn't a mosque they were going to build. It was a community center and yes it was in radius of ground zero but it wasn't on ground zero it was about two blocks away.

Considering that the Koran says to "respect the peoples of the bible" which includes the Jews and Christians and we have to ignor that. Also just to say that yes some empire did persecute christians and jews later but that was the Empires not Islam! It wasn't like how the Catholic church persecuted the Jews in mideval Europe and the Muslims in the Crusades for over 600 years and sort of still continue today in other forms.

Sorry it has really been bugging me today. Religious intolerance is one of lead causes that we do not have peace on this God Forsaken planent and people think that their prejudices will be ignored by Gods or whatever comes next judgement. I really really wish Americans would study before making grand actions like this in order to 'proove a point' even though their knowledge is based on falsified pretenses and beliefs because they choose to be ignorant. I think Americans need to research before being judgemental and hateful.


That is true, They all come from the same texts and they all share the same roots. I wonder how religion has come so far and yet most of the people who actually belong to those religions never see that. Some times the world astounds me.
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


Agreed... However I do feel that building an Islamic structure within even a few miles of Ground Zero is like throwing salt into someones wounds.
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Quote from: Ladygriffin on September 10, 2010, 03:49:37 PM
Quote from: cylinder2166 on September 10, 2010, 02:36:33 PM
Agreed... However I do feel that building an Islamic structure within even a few miles of Ground Zero is like throwing salt into someones wounds.


I'm pretty sure there were Muslims that die in the attack as well..... and I don't mean the attackers..... I mean Muslims working in or visiting WTC.

Would you say the same if it was a Buddhist or Hindu building? You are prejudiced, due to the attackers being Muslims. Are we also to prohibit Christian buildings in Jerusalem, due to the crimes committed by the Crusaders? Don't confuse the faith of the criminal with the crime.
very much true, sadly, most people don't think this way :(
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Quote from: cylinder2166 on September 10, 2010, 02:36:33 PM
Agreed... However I do feel that building an Islamic structure within even a few miles of Ground Zero is like throwing salt into someones wounds.

I also agree it is in poor taste. I don't think the people of Selma would like the KKK headquarters next to the Edmund Pettus Bridge!


First, Waco and Jonestown were both caused by cult leaders and those who followed them blindly, much like almost every christian follows the bible blindly.
In all honesty, to be fair, let's just burn all of the religious texts for all three religions. Then perhaps we will have peace on Earth and nothing but good will for each other.


Good idea moloch, but then they find something else to kill each other over.
Knowledge is power.

rave phillaphia

The problem with the Waco and Jonestown is that it was completely religious based and fear. The 9/11 attacks, yes were by extreme radicals that are not even recognized by Islam, but it was more of a political statement than anything else. We, as Americans, misunderstand and tend to catergorize all human beings, so when these radicals did this we said they were Muslim radicals and forget that they actually are part of a radical governmental social movement. Yes religions do play a role in suffering and giving way to 'ethical reasoning' as to why they have the right to do this, but it is because leaders shape what the people believe.

Similar to how Bush said for us to go to Iraq. We were mad at all middle eastern peoples and blamed Muslims for our time of grief. What we didn't realize was that we were manipulated the full truth about the weapons of mass destruction and followed it for completely political gains. If you go to many countries, they now call Iraq our 'colony' not an 'independent and struggling system which we are trying to form, so that we can leave it in peace'. We have placed our own corporate companies in Iraq for natural resources due to economic and political gains, for those few in power. Now it has hurt us more than benefitted us but that is because we do not recognize what we are doing in a whole because Americans can't be colonizing corporate leaders.

I would like to make a point that one of the professors said on a ending note about 9/11, "Since that day of 9/11, it was tragic and we do mourn the loss of those victims, but we should also remember that 9/11 hasn't ended it is still going on today with all the innocent, soldiers, and even the radicals themselves are being killed, so let us remember all those who have lost their lives, because not recognizing what is the really going on here will lead to this event never ending and still continuing on past these 9 long hard years."


Quote from: rave phillaphia on September 12, 2010, 12:39:45 PM
The 9/11 attacks, yes were by extreme radicals that are not even recognized by Islam, but it was more of a political statement than anything else.

When government and religion are one and the same, can a political statement be considered solely as such?

rave phillaphia

Thank you Ladygriffin, that is the point that I am trying to get across to Americans. We shouldn't blame all of Islam for one small group of people.


Quote from: rave phillaphia on September 12, 2010, 06:22:08 PM
Thank you Ladygriffin, that is the point that I am trying to get across to Americans. We shouldn't blame all of Islam for one small group of people.

Quote from: rave phillaphia on September 09, 2010, 07:31:25 PM
Christians aggervate me sometimes. It shows us that we are just as bad as the radicals on 9/11.

I really really wish Americans would study before making grand actions like this in order to 'proove a point' even though their knowledge is based on falsified pretenses and beliefs because they choose to be ignorant. I think Americans need to research before being judgemental and hateful.

Please don't blame all Christians for one man's actions. I, as a Christian, have never tried to kill thousands of  innocent people working in a building. I am not sure what "falsified pretenses" you are talking about, but the new testament  teaches patience and tolerance of others.  The Taliban and other tribal religious groups of Islam are not. Please show me who in the Middle East practices  pure Islamic principles. Even Mohammad spread Islam through conquest. As others have stated all three religions have the same roots and have engaged in military practices in the name of religion.


Didn't the pastor get a call from the FBI? If I remember correctly.
-The shadows connect us all-


The Florida Today (the local paper out here) only said that he decided to call it off... Although I was at work there might have been more to that article I'm not sure. I'll look it up for you though. :)

'Defense Secretary Robert Gates took the extraordinary step of calling Jones personally' - Associated Press

That is one of the many links I found concerning the burnings being called off. :)
"The reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein

"For those who say I am evil; hear this, what you hold in such disdain is my humanity."


I just remember reading it in the paper at the gas station I work at.
-The shadows connect us all-


I found it here at work and reread it, and that's what I found. The defense secretary called and now the pastor is saying he feels  God was telling him not to do it. Lol
-The shadows connect us all-

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