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Kali the Bloodthirsty, Lilith the Vengeful...

Started by rave phillaphia, May 04, 2011, 03:24:25 PM

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rave phillaphia

Ok so monstrous hates the other attempts I have made, lets see if this works. ok I.S. I am trying to get the chapters posted on here individually. I don't remember if the edits were placed in the individual documents so bear with me if there seems to be things not edited. I put it into one gigantic file and made final edits and turned it into a PDF. There is a lot of reading I will be amazed if someone actually reads all of this. Reminder this stuff has been published and is property rights to me and the College of Wooster. It is under copyright law so please don't steal it. And before people ask, yes I didn't look too closely to the rituals of each tradition but originally wanted to just focus on the symbols from each tradition. Someday I will go back and re-edit/add more to it. Just not now.  :-D

rave phillaphia

rave phillaphia

chapter 4 here (this is the longest might have to come back and separate the document into 2 documents). OMG I AM GOING TO KILL THIS! lol it was saying I could post anything up to 198kb but now has moved it to 128kb. It doesn't make sense.

really? I think I am about to give up. Monstrous uploading has issues. Chapter 4 is 68 pages and it keeps making me have to keep changing the file format. We wouldn't be having these issues if it would have uploaded it in doc x instead of 2003

rave phillaphia

maybe I should just send it to Loki or Marcus and have them deal with it lol. It hates me.


Hm, maybe we really need Monstrous Library  :roll: khm khm Loki?


Yes, I can create a zone in the gallery where yiy can upload books - I personaly have a lot to share
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).



In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.

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