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where what religions really come form

Started by jordyn, November 19, 2007, 11:36:48 AM

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having spent many years studying many religions, having finally accepted Gd and christianity as being the most beneficial for my life, i'd like to clarify some of the misconceptions about the actuality of these religions, acknowledging that while christianity isn't the oldest out there, those that critique it, aren't any older...despite popular ideal.

yay snakes

a venus from about 20,000 years ago.

most contemporary religions can be traced to very specific historical instances:

witchcraft-14th century church ideaology, satanism-old world christianity
and ceremonial magics, i can see how they could be attributed to many of the sumerian, babylonian and egyptian rites and rituals, but that doesn't make them anything more traditional than what the golden dawn formed.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Age has little to do with the validity of a religion.  What matters is how a person relates to that religion.  The problem that arises is when a person believes his or her religion speaks the exclusive truth and all other religions must be wrong.  None of the major religions of the world are entirely correct, but none of them are entirely wrong either.  The ultimate truth, if there is such a thing, lies in the similarities.  Sadly most people are too focused on the differences to notice though.


i dissagree. while religions and thier moral teachings & codes are fine and all. they should only be treated as supplement by the people.

the idea that you kill & demean others just because you think you are right is so barbaric and stupid.

Each religion has its own unique traits. just as peolple have thiers. religions should be run by those who are truly faithful yet peaceful. they should not make people bow to a god they don't like.

For wether you are the greatest god. and he is just a man. you both exsist. you both deserve to be acknowledged. you are brothers in exsistence.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Quote from: Raziel on November 19, 2007, 08:09:22 PM
i dissagree. while religions and thier moral teachings & codes are fine and all. they should only be treated as supplement by the people.

the idea that you kill & demean others just because you think you are right is so barbaric and stupid.

Each religion has its own unique traits. just as peolple have thiers. religions should be run by those who are truly faithful yet peaceful. they should not make people bow to a god they don't like.

For wether you are the greatest god. and he is just a man. you both exsist. you both deserve to be acknowledged. you are brothers in exsistence.

sadly the peaceful are over run by the forceful...but i'm impressed with the wisdom you two are showing; blaming no faith for it's failures, but acknowledging the people who enforce it, reflect it.

you two should look into universal myths, they're common grains of myth that are available in all major religions...

universal myth theory

maybe once upon a time there was an original source, but i don't think any of it clearly remains today, there's a book called The Source, that's supposed to be a good read concerning this theory to.  :) 
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Interesting article. 

I'm a believer in the idea that the similarities in different myths come from a shared prehistory of all humans.  There are obviously differences in names and how events are viewed, even the events themselves are different on the surface.  Ultimately the myth itself is just an analogy.  Some of them, like the flood myth, are more up front with what they are trying to explain.  Others, like the myth of the garden of eden, are much harder to see through and relate to other similar myths of different cultures even though they might be saying the same thing.


i came across the universal myth theory when trying to dispute that Jesus was stolen from the horus myth...which still hasn't been demonstrated to my satisfaction that they had anything to do with each other, other than horus got his but kicked with the rest of the egyptian god when Gd freed his people from their enslavement.  ;)

there were a lot of similiarities, but also with half a dozen other gods and heroes around the world, my particular favorite is a south american tribe that followed a white bird that popped up one day and promised to lead them to a better land.  ;)
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Wasn't there one about apollo getting killed by the titans then zeus kills 'em and appolo comes back??? peersonally i thought this one was where it came from..
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

Lord Pisces luffy

The Old Norse Mythology is really interesting to check into, it's one of the oldest, and it has alot of the idealisms of religions that came later on.
All light sources cannot last forever the way darkness can.


I have always been most interested in Chaldean, Sumerian, and Babylonian religions.  I always thought it was a pretty big coinsedense that alot of their epics were so much similare to the bible.

I also eventually found out about 3 modern day holidays (2 of them Christian) that have their origins rooted in ancient Babylonian Paganism.  But I agree with some of the others posts too.  There are alot of simularities between alot of different religions.

The Golden Dawn has been a subject of interest for me.  I think the thing that bothers me about them is the lack of information I have been able to find about it.
to each their own

rave phillaphia

religion is basically a systematic installment of beliefs that have been agreed upon by a group of people. These beliefs influence what are morals are and how we should act upon in law. Religion imposes a more spiritual aspect as well in these beliefs and morals which in turn are formulated into a specific form or doctrin on how to worship. By formulating this plan it narrows down or limits other creativity and then with the uprising of power-archies these few benefit off of the entirity of the plan. By continuing strict doctrin power-archies can obtain all their desires while other suffer and struggle. However, relgion also unites people into unity for communal practice and morals as well as family oriented structures. Religion will have both effects of negative and positive because it manipulates and affects a wide range of social qualities. SOOOO! In a nutshell relgion is BS because it is the manipulation of our beliefs which formulate our morals and spirituality. BUT relgion can formulate the neccessary structure of unity which leads to developments in technology, society, and solidarity.

religion comes from trying to categorize and structure our beliefs so that we may benefit and strive for development. But we do that with every aspect of trying to understand and obtain knowledge of the world  (physically and spiritually) so that we may have a sense of stability. Without a sense of stability there would only be ciaos and no further development in human existance in history (with the exception of biologcally with evolution but everything else wouldn't happen). 


Lets all find something we can all worship........ Like ninjas! *toink*
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Quote from: Raziel on July 08, 2009, 01:37:49 PM
Lets all find something we can all worship........ Like ninjas! *toink*

Kinda hard to worship somthing/someone you can't find..
worship the moon  :-P
"What the hell was that?"


-The shadows connect us all-


The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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