
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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the society of innner light

Started by rave phillaphia, June 29, 2009, 02:05:59 PM

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rave phillaphia

I know a bit about it but I want to learn some more about the actual group itself. Also I want to know if there are any practicing Qabalists out there? (expecially in the United States) I feel like I have to know more about it. It's pulling me towards it (not the group itself but the spirituality). Any information is good at this point.


Best way is to apply Rave. You will get assigned to someone who will guide you through the work and introduce you to the knowldge that they teach. So jump in, get wet, or do you need another mountain (of things) again before you take any action?

I started some stuff with this group about 20 years ago. I didn't get very far with it because circumstances took me off in a completely different direction.

I think they have a solid training system and are reputable. The courses and study are well organised and effective. If you get a good mentor and get on well with them then you would be hard pressed to find a better way into all this.

I really like how they use myths to navigate the pathways to knowledge that they teach about. Myths that you then start living.
BTW I am not a practicing Qabalist, i just dabbled with it a long time ago.

Its just one of many ways up (or down) the mountain.

rave phillaphia

lol yes me and my obsession with meditation on mountains. But I sent them an email requesting the forms but they never responded back so I am kind of worried that they don't use their email. Maybe its because its the only email and they must get a lot of junk but I dunno. I thought you could only get assigned to someone if you lived in the UK otherwise it was like some sort of corespondance course?

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