
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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"Cult House" "Satanist's House"

Started by buda_bless, June 26, 2009, 12:22:17 AM

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Hey I had a wierd story to share and a question about something.  There is this place around where I live and some people call it the 'Cult House' and I've heard other people call it the 'Satanist's House'.  My friends told me about them going out to that place one night real drunk or messed up. 

This place has this real long lane and then it takes a bend.   Well they drove down there to the bend and there was some real nice cars parked down at the end of that long rough lane.  A couple of my friends got out and ran around the place.  Said there was a big fire pit. 

The one wierd thing they saw was down there around the bend there was some fences.  They said on the fence posts there we're chopped off goat's heads.  Not just the skulls but like the whole head. 

They took off from there and I don't think anyone came out.  I asked a couple of my friends about that place and another couple of friends of mine had been out there before.  Said they drove up that lane and they put a spotlight on them from the top of the house and they got blocked in by like 3 vans and 2 big trucks.  Some big dude with a big beard and long hair came out and asked them what they were doing there.  They said they heard some weird stuff happened out there.  After they said that the wierd guy said, "that's none of your buisiness."  And he said, "for your guys safety I would get out of here right now.  Don't ever come back here again.."  Then my friendds drove off. 

But one of my friends heard that they have tin metal under the ground around their house and a bunch of dogs under the basement.  And when you step on the tin the dogs are supposed to be able to hear and they all start barking.

Another one of my friends said they heard a story that a friend of his was tellin him about going in that place and they said they went in the house and there were dead animals and they painted all the windows red.  He said he tried to set the place on fire but for some reason after he got the fire goin he said he sat there and watched it put itself out.

I have heard so many stories about this place and I can definately tell they don't want people finding something back there.  I was wondering if anyone might have any idea what those people are up to back there?
to each their own


Satan worship, ain't it obvious? Or some sort of pagan worship anyway. No mystique about it, just the one they create to feel themselves more significant and real than they really are. The sacrifice of animals - goats, mostly, is what often happens on the meetings of that kind of a lovely community. Jeremiah Parnoff, 'Lucifer's Throne', it describes s**t like that.
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...


So is does the "Lucifer's Throne" have stuff like that in it?  I've never read it before. 

I wondered what they did some of the stuff for.  Like putting the heads on the fence; if it was just to scare people away or what.

Has anyone heard of stuff like this before?

Quote from: Devinoir on June 26, 2009, 02:23:29 AM
Satan worship, ain't it obvious? Or some sort of pagan worship anyway. No mystique about it, just the one they create to feel themselves more significant and real than they really are. The sacrifice of animals - goats, mostly, is what often happens on the meetings of that kind of a lovely community. Jeremiah Parnoff, 'Lucifer's Throne', it describes s**t like that.
to each their own


The goat heads could be a scare tactic and/or a form of protection. Satanists, as far as I understand, don't do a lot of sacrificing in the true sense of the word they do hold mock sacrifices. There are a number of other religions that routinely sacrifice animals but displaying the heads isn't normally part of it. Chances are that the heads are a scare tactic designed to keep nosey people off the property. Some of the elements you mentioned sound like the start of an urban legend developing about a spooky old house. My advise is keep away from the house.


be carefull dude, if you do go down there, make sure you have people inside with you,  and someone outside to get help if nead be.

Yeah I can understand, thats the kinda thing thats hard to pass up,

Id like to check that out too,

but be carefull and dont go alone!


Actually, these would be cultists, assuming it's not just the beginnings of an urban myth as Countess said. True Satanists don't need ot pull stunts like that, cultists do.


And it might be the cult of Satan?
There is I in every person,
Only long asleep...

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