
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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To all indigo, cusp and crystal children, also lightworkers and human angels

Started by KillFast, August 19, 2009, 08:27:06 AM

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Hello monstrous community, I have recently had an aura screening and realized that I am a cusp child (halfway between indigo and crystal)
are there any new age children out here on the forum??? If so then we can use this post to chat about our story, our auras, our channeling experiences, to those who have awakened their wings
we can discuss that as well, anything you wish to chat about can be done here!
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!


The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


I will explain it all because that way I can fully explain...

an indigo child is a child whom under aura screening has an indigo colored aura, they are special people whom have been born on this earth for quite awhile and posses various special talents, their purpose for being on earth is to tear down current government systems, corruption and primarily all false structure. They are meant to carry out this for the crystal children.

The crystal children are very special just in the fact of their birth because they are souls who have never been incarnated on the earth before. Their purpose is to rebuild the planet after the indigos tear it down. They began being born somewhere near 1995.

A cusp[ child is even more mysterious because we were born as indigos possessing some crystal characteristics and abilities.
as for lightworkers and human angels they are involved but I have very little insight into that matter I was hoping someone could talk about it on here so I could learn from one first hand :P

Crystal children are noted for their peculiar auras that are almost rainbow like, and they are distinguishable by their eyes they are very large and capturing, and beautiful. there are many of them

If you are truly interested I can give you two links that will help in enlightening you a little bit :D     This site offers general information

and         This site offers characteristics and knowledge into recognizing if you are one yourself

I hope I have shed some light on this for you raziel :D
Death is not a sanction of life but a side effect of incomplete design. I will not suffer at the hands of a mold without a mind; we shall break this limitation!


Crystal children are said to have a clear aura whereas rainbow children are said to have a 'rainbow coloured' aura.

There are links between the indigo generation and ADHD and the crystal generation and ASD apparently. (thought it was interesting).
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"


I've taken two levels of a Japanese holistic healing Ryu and my teacher said I was an "indigo-crystallie." Whether she meant "cusp" or not is unclear to me.

Some Indian/Hindu taking the course with me and urged me to go to her temple because her priest(or whatever religious heads are called for this religion) and I was pretty creeped out for some reason. Although I regret intuitively refusing, I believe it was for the best.

But yes, it's incredibly hard to not know one, for every third to fourth child of our near generation I believe is an Indigo, Crystal, or Indigo-Crystallie, and have yet to find out of their true calling. A somewhat sad ending I feel..

It is better to conquer yourself than to win many battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

The situation is a demonic paradox: we have toppled the system but we still carry its genes.


if only neurological malfunctions in children were this simple to figure out.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

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