lets play hunter

Started by Sonnilion, April 18, 2005, 07:56:19 PM

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I have a little voice in my head

telling me good things
1 (11.1%)
makeing me to nonos (spanks hand)
8 (88.9%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Voting closed: April 18, 2005, 07:56:19 PM

lol.... as far as i know he's guy.. but is he????

to be continued!!!!  dahdahdah
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lets name him erica :lol:
"Life is not short! its the longest damn thing you could do, what could you do longer?"

god no!!!!!! :!:
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okay lets keep it at eric... (leaves)...(comes back) sorry forgot my purse :D :lol:

Whatever you is, you is funny. almost too funny to be......human.
btw: that purse looks great with those shoes but the belt....I'm not sure.
Less is more, man.

Quote from: VooWhatever you is, you is funny. almost too funny to be......human.
btw: that purse looks great with those shoes but the belt....I'm not sure.
Less is more, man.

Don't you mean less is more WO-man!    :lol:
Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.

that was stupid and that dress where did u get it its hiddious
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)

Are you calling me stupid MDV :?:  :!:  :?:   The dress is fine the purse and shoes are just a bit much.  You youngens have no sense of style!
Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.

Quote from: Zak Roy YoballaDon't you mean less is more WO-man!    :lol:

no the pun was kina lame
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)

eric or erica thats the question  :wink:   :?: dun dun dun... that purse is sooo not ugly!

lol jk

is yer name Eric
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive, to win, you have to attack." - Light Yagami (Deathnote)

Eric....Elric!out of FMA (full metal alchemist)!i like Alphonse....he is nice

i like Jikoo the talking Chimerea
alot hapened...i fell and El Godzilla cought me.BASH!

Quote from: ModernDayVampirewell now im pretty sure hes a guy damn u sonni yer confusin me
reminds me of the time people were confused to wether I was a guy or a girl.
" 'tis now the witching time of night,
when churchyards yawn and hell itself breaths out contagion to this world,
now, could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on."