Aliens, ETs and UFOs > Outer Space

Eclipse - a long time coming

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Devious Viper:
Tonight's lunar eclipse is the first time that such an event has coincided with the solstice since 1638.

Really looking forward to it, provided those f*cking clouds don't get in the way...

Devious Viper:
Intriguing that a post about the pagan/Wiccan festival of Yule coinciding with the last moon phase of the year (the Long Nights Moon/Cold Moon/Big Winter Moon/Chaste Moon/Wolf Moon, depending upon your tradition) and a lunar eclipse, the most magical moon phase for those that follow the goddess, should find itself moved from "Pagan Living" to "Aliens, ETs and UFOs"...

A less forgiving observer might think that perhaps some people don't know their apex from their elbows =)


Devious Viper:

--- Quote from: Ladygriffin on December 21, 2010, 04:15:03 AM ---Actually.... the topic is about an astronomical phenomena - a lunar eclipse coinciding with the winter solstice - and as such has nothing to do with paganism.

Just because most pagans celebrate the winter solstice, doesn't turn everything happening at that time of the year into paganism.... or do you consider the celebrations of the birth of Christ pagan, as well? That also coincides with the winter solstice.

--- End quote ---

So, "most  pagans celebrate the winter solstice" (my emphasis) and the moon is one of the most important celestial bodies in paganism and neo-paganism, but a three-fold occurrence which occurs once in several centuries is of no interest to pagans and neo-pagans... As I said, intriguing.

Do I consider the celebrations of the birth of Christ pagan? Is the pope catholic??

Devious Viper:
The article linked was merely to demonstrate visibility, timings etc.

I have a *sneaking* suspicion that anybody perusing this forum from a purely astronomical - indeed, any scientific - basis would be either lost or disappointed.

But w/e. The solstice-eclipse is done and dusted now. There'll be another one along in 84 years, so those browsers of a pagan-bent that didn't read about it yesterday can always catch that one.


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