Monstrous Café > Say It!


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I agree, i mean as a vampire, we can be very old it just depends on the nature of your being. vampires are creatures, yea we are different but we have some of the same problems as humans do okay. so why judge us for what we are and say it is a cure to be one because the way i look at it this is a gift nothing else.


--- Quote from: thealchemist on January 28, 2013, 07:08:02 AM ---Basically we all agree that @Jake has a lot of ambition of writing... a lot. :P lol "tldr"

--- Quote from: Arbitran on January 16, 2013, 03:05:58 PM ---Then it was likely another forum, simple. And yes, I fully understand all of what you say; you really needn't have gone to the trouble of writing it all out, though your dedication is admirable, I suppose. I understand that what I say must be difficult for you to believe, but that is of little concern to me. And incidentally, my recounting of my own past was not wholly unsolicited; it was in the form of an answer to a question which was posed to me. And you are all free to ask whatever you wish of me; I shall answer truthfully, with whatever knowledge I possess.

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Hey Arbitran, i have a question. Since you said i can ask whatever i wish of you. I am asking :" Are you aware of our social reality, or live in a own perceived mindset of whatever you call it?"

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Of course I am aware of your social structure and systems; though they interest me less and less.

Wow, a lot of anger going on here

That I can clearly see. Why can't we just get along, and leave eachother be?

I really agree


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