Monstrous Café > Say It!

Bush (hijacked from subject "how old is everyone here?")

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Dark Lord M:
Well, it was ran my a dictator mad man and had a bunch of Talaban and Al-quida people running around killing innocent people, so we had to get in there to help them out, we've made it a better place. They got their Freeeeeeeeeedom!

Bush said there were weapons, then there weren't, then we messed up their country, thenwe chased the wrong person, then we messed their country up more.  Bush is the worst American President EVER

THey didn't get there freedom, they got Their violence!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark Lord M:
Not as bad as Nixon, and we helped their country, but we did screw up at the begining.

Okay, good point, Nixon was Worse, but you can see a lot of similairities between the Vietnam War and the Iraqi War.  VERY SIMILIAR


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