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The Daily Show hurts America?


Apparently so, according to this recent study:

However, some others have a different take on the matter.

--- Quote ---Jody Baumgartner and Jonathon Morris, political scientists at East Carolina University, showed college students video clips of coverage of the 2004 presidential candidates and CBS Evening News campaign coverage. The researchers then tracked the students' political views before and after watching "The Daily Show." They found the students rated both candidates more negatively after a dose of Jon Stewart. They also expressed less trust in the electoral system and more cynical views of the news media.

The researchers conclude that the students' cynicism could keep then away from the polls.

Interesting theory, but is Jon really responsible for the youths’ cynicism, some bloggers question. Maybe the research is faulty, some bloggers say. Or maybe the media contributes to growing political pessimism, others suggest. Either way, bloggers were eager to weigh in, making news of the study the third most popular story in the blogosphere last weekend.

Rachel Joy Larris has conducted her own research on the topic, and says the study’s focus on rising levels of cynicism misses the mark. "While the authors are willing to concede that 'a little skepticism toward the political process could be considered healthy for democracy' they go on to suggest that perhaps 'The Daily Show's' rip-roaring critiques might be just too pointed for young minds who don’t know much else about the politics. It may make them lose all faith in politics whatsoever," she writes on

"Heavens to Murgatroid! We better make Jon Stewart less funny!"

Marty Kaplan on takes issue with the way the media has reported the study. He says the Washington Post, for example, looked only at the glass-half-empty elements, and buried the study's good news, that youth trust their political instincts more. "The more that young people learn the truth about the political process, the more they get their news from multiple sources, the more gatekeeprs there are for information -- the more they just might want to shake things up, throw incumbents out, and make Washington accountable for its hypocrisy, mendacity and incompetence," Kaplan blogs.
--- End quote ---

Personally, I don't think Jon Stewart would be nearly as funny if the audience in question didn't already have a grasp of what's going on in politics and mainstream media. Humor is only as good as its relevance to the target audience. These researchers also act as if skepticism regarding a politician's or political party's motives is a bad thing...and it's not.

If the Daily Show is bad for America, then we're all doomed. At what point did questioning our leaders and pointing out their flaws become harmful? This article is preposterous.

M Sidhe:
I have to agree with omnipotentoculus. This is rather silly. If it was so bad, then just cancel it?

I would say The Daily Show could be harmful to America, if that is the sole source where many people get their news.  Then again, that is not the Daily's Show fault but the ignorance of its viewership.

The Daily Show and host Jon Stewart in particular certainly have their political leanings.  I wish TV, be it serious or comedy, would be more diverse as far as opinions go.  Also, I do think the Daily Show is too skeptical and critical.  It is very easy to make fun of decisions and blunders when you are not the one who actually has to make a decision.  Just being critical and focusing on the negative all the time is not good for the soul.  But I guess it makes for good comedy.  However, there is a difference between poking fun and just being plain mean or going on a rant which the Daily Show has been doing lately since Colbert and the 40 year old Virgin left the show.


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