Faeries, The Fay & The Hidden > Subterranea

A Lost World...

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A lot of neat ideas here. I think the reality would be somewhat more prosaic though. Giant, drab fungi that subisist on underground deposits of water and the rotting remains of dead organisms, for example. As for the fauna, it would consist of a myraid of grubs and incests that have completely lost the ability of sight due to the eternal darkness that pervades the depths. I would make a tidy proift from farming the grub and fungi and selling them to surface dwellers desperate to find new sources of food on an increasingly unsustainable planet.

 I'd want a little bit of everything we have up here to be down there as well. I love all the seasons too much to want to lose everything completely. But I would be Goddess of my own world and create each season when I desire it. What's the point of being there if I'm not in total control? Crikey.. that is a lot to do though... Maybe I should recruit a certain God to help me... :roll: :wink:

Mr. Kreepy:
Being an enormous nerd, I've actually thought long about this...Being the strange person I am, the way that I've imagined this "lost world" is both fantastical enough not to be boring, but scientifically feasable enough to not be outright fantasy.
I imagine some sort of incredibly large network of huge caverns, all of them lit by luminescent gas that gravitates toward the ceiling of the cavern. Along with this, I can imagine species of bioluminescent plant and fungus that synthesize sunlight. As far as fauna, there are many species that are descendants of long-extinct animals from the surface world, as well as many creatures that evolved unique to the ecosystem in these caverns. There might even be some species of modern animals from the above world that managed to accidentally find their way down there the same way the previously-thought-extinct animals did; natural disasters, pressure due to lack of resources, or simply curiosity.
If there were intelligent beings, they would most likely be human, or descended from hominids that had found their way into the caves the same way the animals might. Again, I can imagine more than one culture or tribe of humans if the cavern were big enough, resources were plentiful enough, and the circumstances leading to their migration there were just right.
Again, I like to make it crazy, wild, and fun enough not to be mindnumbingly dull *cough*blow_fly*cough*, but still within the realms of scientific possibility, given that things happened just the right way.

Regina Terra:
*Cough* Mine's better. *Cough* *<:)


--- Quote from: Regina Terra on October 20, 2008, 09:10:22 AM ---*Cough* Mine's better. *Cough* *<:)
--- End quote ---

 Well that was rude and unnecessary..


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