Identification or Explanation

Started by DarkenedMind, February 25, 2013, 08:15:57 PM

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So I have seen these canines for a while now: a black one and a white one. They've been watching me for a couple years now and whenever I look at them for longer than a second they disappear. I've had a few dreams involving them, but not many. They seem to prefer the form of wolves, but have actually approached me as two different dogs: the black one was a pitbull that cornered me but did nothing but bark snarl and keep me there for a while. The white one was a large long white furred dog that approached me one day in what seemed like a good attitude. It stuck around for a while then ran off. My friend has seen them before and on a couple occasions was used as a medium to communicate. I have tried looking for things like this but I've had trouble. If someone can help in any way, please do. If you read this, I appreciate it.
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

There are many different things it could be...look into animal symbolism. A pyranese could be the fuzzy white one, the pitbull is pretty obvious. With the cirrent state oof the economy there are a lot of strays and my newf requires a huge truck chain and a whole mature lilac bush to keep on the yard. Dogs can be quite the houdis, if they want.  Dreams are a whole different world. My neighborhood has some strays we see a couple times a month. A huge lab, smaller hound and a mutt.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

I've only seen either dog once each, but they now follow me as wolves and disappear shortly after I look at then for about 1 second. They are everywhere I go.
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

it might just simply be two sprits from beyond the veil. they might have taken an intrest in you. do they folow you at the same time or seperately?
yin and yang,
             dragon and fang...

It varies. Sometimes the black one follows me, sometimes, it's the white one, and sometimes it's both. I see them both at the same time.
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

and the black one is more hostile?
yin and yang,
             dragon and fang...

Yes, you hit it on the nose with that.
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

hmmmmmmmmm i keep thinking it's like some representation of the yin and yang but......hmmmmmm.......this is weird.
yin and yang,
             dragon and fang...

Sounds like a good start at least.
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

i mean ya know? it sorta makes sense cause the black one is agressive but the white one is nice. black=DUDE  but white= lady i might be mixing it up do...
yin and yang,
             dragon and fang...

Classic native american symbolism...

The Black Wolf & The White Wolf

"...Grandfather said, "let me tell you a story.

I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those
that have taken so much, with no sorrow
for what they do. But hate wears you down,
and does not hurt your enemy. It is like
taking poison and wishing your enemy
would die.

I have struggled with these feelings
many times.

It is as if there are two wolves inside me,
one is White and one is Black.

The White Wolf is good and does no harm.
He lives in harmony with all around him and
does not take offense when no offense was
intended. But will only fight when it is right
to do so, and in the right way.

But, the Black Wolf, is full of anger.
The littlest thing will set him into a fit
of temper. He fights everyone, all the time,
for no reason. He cannot think because his
anger and hate are so great. It is helpless
anger, for his anger will change nothing.

Sometimes it is hard to live with these two
wolves inside me, for both of them try to
dominate my spirit."

The boy, looked intently into his
Grandfathers eyes, and asked, "Which one
wins Grandfather?"

The Grandfather, smiled and said,

"The one I feed."


Our subconscious can guide us more efficiently than any supernatural pursuit we may chase.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

? what do you mean?
yin and yang,
             dragon and fang...

I like that. I am partial Mohawk by the way. If you don't get it, a little tip. Don't just read it, but feel it, know it, nurture the words in your mind and it's pretty clear.
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.

i see what you mean. it seems very clear to me that somehow a representaion of this story has come to life. maybe because of you?
yin and yang,
             dragon and fang...

Run that by me again?
I pride myself with playing 8 instruments and knowing many military tactics, weapons, and forms of torture, if ever required.