
Tell us, pray, what devil
This melancholy is, which can transform
Men into monsters... - John Ford

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possesion ?

Started by osake, September 13, 2010, 11:47:15 PM

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I got a question for ya'll about a possible demon it's something that happened to me a couple of years of go. I was a normal night for the most part but sense were off the farking I felt some bad mojo for the like of a proper term.My friend who was living with me at the time was a witness to this.I felt an abnormal compulsion to go downstairs  I had been down there only a few minutes ago everybody except myself was up sitars and had not gone down stiars been tween these times.The second time I went down stairs when I had felt drawn down there by some 'force' my windows blinds where complete farked up and when I had entered the room I felt like and invisible force like gravity pushing really hard against me.needless to say this frightened me.So went and talked to my friend about it he was like what you leave your window open and wind messed them up but there was no window open or door and there was no wind.When I got him to come down stairs and look the blinds were perfectly fine this scared me even more. so I went back up stairs and stayed there trying to clam down then all of a sudden I just layed down on the floor not of will conscience will at least.It felt as I was being held down and I could move an inch my friend tried to move me and he only got the heels of my feet off the floor by and inch and couldn't move my legs/feet any higher then they slammed back down onto the floor.All of a sudden there was a "cloud" thats the best word I have for it at least.It look like a smoke with black and dark blue zig zags constants moving around then a *best description I can give here* a really farked woman elderly-ish in a dress she was dark blue with black emerge form it with wild flowing long hair 4-5" long teeth and 6-9" nail claws and flew right at and through me  I started crawling out the room perch at the top of the stairs and saw a translucent purple oozing monster thing climbing up the steps then saw some fire hit it then it was gone.Shortly atfer while in this state of onyl being able to see and hear not in control of myself I grabbed a black and white photo and a knife I etched out some sort of figure into the shadow of a stair case.I was in the kitchen about to go outside and smoke a cigarette at one point finally in control of myself again and saw a figure with a tattered cloak grey-white fly from nowhere past me and through the wall outside with long beaked masked face and a flaming sword.It felt like Iwas some kind of drug through all that but I was not any nor have I have done any sort of hallucinogenic.The next day I was complete drained of strength scared s**tless crying and couldn't stop shivering.Then after that I was in a state of being I cannot explain to this day I was strong faster and knew things I had not once before and over my intellectual capacity had increased 3 fold and felt intoxicated at all times a spiritual high I geuss you could call it.Also I had felt distant from everything and was having premonitions of the next day or of some event in the more distant furture or along the coarse of the day as I was wlakign places Iwas seeing what Iwas going to seeas I walked before I had reached the destination of what was seeing in actually eye vision.This lasted for 3 months

anyone have any ideas of what this might have been or what happened?


Happened to my friend once when he took shrooms. But that's a lot to happen in one night...are you sure your friend didn't slip you something?
-The shadows connect us all-


I'm 100% sure of that all  I do is smoke cigarettes and my friends and I have strong ties to the point that we are family and would never fark each other over.We could give one us 2000$ to hold  as a favor and there wouldn't be cent missing even if it's been months that it has been in our possesion.Hold a knife to the others throat and would know that they would do anything no matter how angry we might get at each other sometimes


Hmmm, well you need to do some background checking on your house, and just in case check out possible gas leaks, geological features(natural underground running water, limestone, etc..), radon checks,...there is something I'm missing here..., and check out if you have any kids running around doing occult stuff near. You know those darn kids and their messing up of rituals. Try that first, then if all else fails, mark it off as one hell of a night. Oh, and not to sure about the whole enhanced stuff afterwards.
-The shadows connect us all-


I know my damn family bought this house new no one has ever owned t but us nothing of chemical nature wrong but when I was digging a garden I found rocks buried about  4 feet down slabs of rock that looked like they belonged to the walk way and purposely carved crafted whatever by humans.With my towns history added into they technically shouldn't be there because there is no recorded settlement of the land I'm on other than my house.I may new to this forum but that don't mean I am dumb dude I always rule out tons of s**t before I make a decision on a paranormal experience I've had.Sorry to do this but with you gas or radon theory I blow that out of the water with ease it wouldn't have just effected me it would have effected the whole house hold.If there were occult kids running around here I'd be surprised as hell we have wiggers fake wiccans and in general people who don't care or know about alot of s**t.I've been asked randomly while walking around in town by someone that if only a 100 people died during the civil war and world 1 and 2 combined on that note....I farking hate the dumb people here*goes outside and flips whoever passes by off*


You didn't state that you specifically ruled out anything, and I'm not saying you're a dumb dude. If it hasn't been settled then it might be slate rock, or un-recorded settlement. Now, the reason I ask chemical is because it can affect one person more than another and be a isolated incident. Such as being released during certain times, pressure build up, small pockets releasing, and so forth. That's why I ask for more info on everything, can be an assortment of things compiling together to make an experience. I've reread your story eight times and it still sounds like a bad acid trip, not saying it was or not. Just that it is very confusing with so many different types phenomena going on at the same time.
-The shadows connect us all-


Quote from: osake on September 14, 2010, 01:51:08 AM
I know my damn family bought this house new no one has ever owned t but us nothing of chemical nature wrong but when I was digging a garden I found rocks buried about  4 feet down slabs of rock that looked like they belonged to the walk way and purposely carved crafted whatever by humans.With my towns history added into they technically shouldn't be there because there is no recorded settlement of the land I'm on other than my house.I may new to this forum but that don't mean I am dumb dude I always rule out tons of s**t before I make a decision on a paranormal experience I've had.Sorry to do this but with you gas or radon theory I blow that out of the water with ease it wouldn't have just effected me it would have effected the whole house hold.If there were occult kids running around here I'd be surprised as hell we have wiggers fake wiccans and in general people who don't care or know about alot of s**t.I've been asked randomly while walking around in town by someone that if only a 100 people died during the civil war and world 1 and 2 combined on that note....I farking hate the dumb people here*goes outside and flips whoever passes by off*

If you are going to ask a question, then disagree with the answer a much more knowledgeable person give you; at least do so graciously.

As for your situation, I'm with Oni. It makes no sense in the supernatural world. It certainly could be some kids dabbling where they ought not to, or it could have been a localized leak of some chemical to which you are especially sensitive. It could have been one of your friends playing a joke with a dream machine or even some Rohypnol. Just because you trust someone with your life doesn't mean they deserve your trust.

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