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Nabiru, Aliens, & the End of Days

Started by Moloch, October 20, 2010, 06:04:01 AM

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This is a fairly huge and complex idea; so take your time, and really wrap your mind around it....

First, there have been many reports in the past of aliens abducting people and stealing gametes from them.(Google 'gametes' if you want to know what they are. This a public PG-13 forum, so I'm going to intentionally obscure some sensitive things here.)

Second, for decades now there have also been reports of horrific cattle and other animal mutilations.

Third, humanity has taken some small steps in its own preservation by creating the World Seed Bank in Svalbard.

I've heard the theory for years that aliens were stealing our gametes to create hybrids of themselves and us. At a glance it seems reasonable that this would be true. However, once you begin to question it, it falls apart. Why would a race of beings who have interstellar travel need to resort to stealing our DNA to hybridize it with their own? Why couldn't they simply change their own genetic code; aren't they advanced enough? I believe any species capable of breaking the light speed barrier would also be capable of doing their own genetic tampering.

However, let's say that they didn't need our DNA for themselves; that they weren't even creating hybrids. Let's say they knew about Nabiru, knew exactly what it was going to do, and when it would do it. Let's even assume that these are the aliens Zechariah Sitchin wrote of in "The Twelfth Planet". What if all of the mutilations and theft of genetic material is just their work to preserve our genetic code in a workable matrix for later reseeding of the planet?

The Seed Bank in Svalbard? I believe that may not be for our use after all. If my theory is correct, then humanity is doomed, and the seed bank is for the humans who will be replacing us in a reseeding of life on what will be a barren world after Nabiru passes by.

I believe this is also why the major governments of the world are working so hard on their social engineering projects. Not only to distract people form what is coming, but to also begin to instill some more positive feelings for these aliens. If you believe the government couldn't or wouldn't do such a thing, think again. They're doing it now.

Thoughts, opinions, bagels?


Guess I'm not the only one who's thought about this. The seed bank would be for all the domesticated harvestable plants, same for the animals we use. why do the work, when your apprentice has done for you. This is a plausible theory, simply because of our advancement in the last million years. So the true question is, why would they save us? Is it for the same love of sports, our potential maybe, or just preserving their work?
-The shadows connect us all-


I hate being the spelling nazi.... *hides behind a huge rock and covers with an old bathtub* its... well.... *whispers really silently*  Nibiru  :-D

And to get back on topic: the seed bank...

If the theories are right, then why take rotten seed if they are the ones that created Adam and Eve in the first place? Meaning, they would probably have pure genetic code of old human race. But if they do need seeds of these days, then my guess is they do need it in order to create hybrids.
Also, somehow i dont think the cattle mutilations and the aleged return of Nibiru are conected. By now there are more than 20 alien races currently operating on and around the Earth (by some sources), and they dont necesseraly have to have the same goal and/or intention. If you take a close look on teh mutilated examples, you will notice that:

a) their blood is sucked dry, and

b) muscles and ligaments are removed with high precision, as if they need those to replace some other animals missing parts. A thing to think about IMHO

To continue with the Svalbard Seed Bank: well, thats an obvious one. Even if now there is a huge reaction by north and south american shamans, that are trying to fix entire 2012. mess up, world leaders are well informed of possible space object flying towards us. They have been informed more than 15 years ago. By whome? heh  :spy:

so, even in case nothing happens and all this continues without any spacial interuptus, our DNA legacy is safe. Not sure who will use it if all of us are dead though  :roll:


yeah, always interesting. Would aliens be creating hybrids and why? IMHO, we are all already hybrids. Entire Earth population is so mixed and diverse now, but all thanks to natural way of things. So, the only explanation why would aliens create hybrids and need our DNA (blood) was given by mr. David Im Jesus Icke. And this is it: in order to stay in human form and not shift back into reptilians, they use human blood. There are two ways to do that:

a) have hybrid human-rept progeny that will have higher ability to stay in human form, and

b) consume blood of humans, cause our blood has frequency (yes, everything around us has it) that also keeps them in our form.

There are several theories about Nibiru, and some say it has been destroyed some 5 years ago. Some claim its actualy a planetoid shaped battle ship.

But they also said Earth is flat  :lol: so I guess we will soon find out


Actually, unless their medical technology really does border on God-like, they would be unable to do more than manipulate the code, not create it from scratch. In which case they would need the basic blocks at some point to rejuvenate the program as the old material would have destabilized and decayed away millennia ago.

The seed stock also won't last forever, even at those temperatures. If memory serves me faithfully then even the seed with the longest cold storage length possible will only last about thirty-five thousand years. The vast majority will only survive for less than ten thousand though.

The world powers did not design Svalbard to be utilized thousands of years in the future though, of that much we can be certain. It was designed to be opened within a century of it's closing. The reason why it was designed and built to last the way it was is because of what it was designed to survive - global tectonics caused by a direct impact from a large, non-extinction event sized, meteoroid.

As for the theories pertaining to grays and the like... Too esoteric for my blood at this point. The science isn't there yet, not even in my mind, to even contemplate some of those claims.

Carson Dane

Seed banks are nothing new.  There were several stashes located around around the world which were put there by previous civilizations, presumably for similiar "end of the world" scenarios that came to their minds as do to ours here in this forum.  Interestingly, those seed banks were discovered and used to make the worldwide "green revolution" of the 1960's.

Educated in agriculture, I once had time to experiment with seeds.  It's amazing what one can do with lots of seeds; the more different varieties of the same species, the better!  Seed banks are a profitable business; folks (let's be sure  to include some "generationally wealthy" ones) refer to the seeds as "germ plasm".  During the investigation I determined that much of the success of the green revolution was simply due to the genetic material present in the old seeds, more so than the well publicized "science in the lab" component.

Applying the concept to aliens,  theory would be that they just need to take some good, old fashoned, raw human genes once in awile...

As far as the mutilations, I imagine two theories.  The first suspects are people, using what they take to make something no one but them is to know about.  So secret the people or their agents wouldn't risk buying cattle at a stock yard for fear that questions might arise about the purpose or destination of those.

The other theory for mutilations is cryptological invention of mine: an animal changling capable of taking on different appearances and  able to move between earth surface and orbit.
I call it Darkonge, and may have posted before somewhere in the crypto section here.  Otherwise one can read about it on my webpage: 

"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."

Devious Viper

Quote from: Moloch on October 20, 2010, 06:04:01 AM
...If my theory is correct, then humanity is doomed, and the seed bank is for the humans who will be replacing us in a reseeding of life on what will be a barren world after Nabiru passes by.

I believe this is also why the major governments of the world are working so hard on their social engineering projects. Not only to distract people form what is coming, but to also begin to instill some more positive feelings for these aliens. If you believe the government couldn't or wouldn't do such a thing, think again. They're doing it now.

Thoughts, opinions, bagels?

I'm not convinced by the Nibiru collision theories: the raw science - by which I mean science even at the level of the layman - just doesn't back up what is claimed. And - assuming for a moment that it were a possibility, just for the sake of argument - then a collision with a planet of that size would leave nothing worth recolonising, and a near miss would - best outcome - strip our atmosphere, again leaving the planet in an "irrepairable" state.

But I agree with you 100% that humanity - actually, I mean "society"/"civilisation" as we understand it - is doomed and that there is at best a not-entirely benign clandestine programme coordinating the efforts of the major economic powers in the way that you suggest. Yes, the social engineering projects would seem to support this. Cause of a collapse of civilisation? Who knows? Not me, for sure. Plenty of very likely candidates out there, though, ranging from the day the oil wells run dry to the day the water pipes run dry... Water shortages are a bigger threat to society than people seem to realise  - google it, I can't be arsed to copy pasta a tl;dr here right now. Western Europe and North America could muddle through - at least survive - somehow without oil:  but we'd be buggered within a few days without potable water or even irrigation water.

Anyway, seed banks. Why would we need seed banks? At best, they've realised that Monsanto has screwed us all - a great case of the law of unintended consequences - and that by the time they've finally cross pollinated - and in the process sterilised - all of our existing seed base, we're gonna need to start from scratch. At worst, they've factored in what has been shouted down by the AGW lobby for years now - the simple fact that the natural cycle of ice age interrupted by periods of warming - is long, long overdue a Big Freeze. Look at the maps showing the extent of the previous ice ages. We're screwed if the mildest one repeats. Seed banks will come in very handy, to say the least, when the ice begins to recede.  It was only the unexpected - and seemingly unnatural - hybridisation of ancient grasses after the last ice age that kick started our civilisation in the first place...

And add this into the equation: while we in the (ice prone) west are creating seed banks, why is China building vast, empty cities in the middle of nowhere, including "universities" that can accommodate 2.3 MILLION students?

On an almost separate note,

Quote from: Carson Dane on December 26, 2010, 10:57:30 AM
So secret the people or their agents wouldn't risk buying cattle at a stock yard for fear that questions might arise about the purpose or destination of those.

In a country the size of the US of A, they would simply buy a cattle ranch. Heck, the US government developed and tested nuclear weapons out of sight of the rest of the nation. Slicing the fannies off a few dead cows is small beer.

Edit:grammar; link

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