
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Thought Forms.

Started by Zeppelin, November 07, 2010, 10:05:43 PM

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The idea that if enough people concentrate on the same thought that it can happen.  I guess it has to do with the idea that we all possess a certain ability to effect reality and manipulate time and space or create something from thin air.  This however is just a tiny piece inside of everyone but when you have a mass amount of people concentrating on the same thing things can be created.

Has anyone ever heard something similar to that?  I think it could be possible, i mean it could probably never be proven only because to get enough people to focus on something would be impossible.  Because a majority of people are only looking out for their well being and maybe their families it would be impossible to all focus on and idea and test it. 

I'm just really interested on the topic and if anyone else thinks its plausible.


it's called "the Secret" and rather an interesting show on visualization and projection of thought, it's really not a novel idea..
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."



that our thoughts can change our lives and create our own realities either for better or for worse depending on your mindset, add this to creations like eregores, homonculi and avatars and well...

surely you have google?
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Yes of course i do!  :-D

I'll check it out though. Thanks.


Just think of national optimism, Hitler did. He motivated an entire nation to do some (initially) incredible things. (Later he ruined his good work in my opinion)

On a similar note see how media can affect the entire mood of a nation negatively or positively. Optimism and depressions are both fed by minds focussing on certain things. The results are truely tangible though.

Think of the ideas such as 'democracy'. It was spread by people being aware of it and them wanting it. Its still spreading now yet it is just an idea.
Same with fundamentalist Islam, its growing because people are feeding it by thinking of it.

These are group effects but they also apply to us at an individual level.
We tend to find what we are looking for, we find what what we hold in our minds. Thats perhaps the simplest way of putting it.


If you mean a group of people focus and *poof* <insert item here> it is! Then no, however, if a group wanted to make ice cream appear, then they'd get in the car and drive to get it then there it is. Its not just going to appear.
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The strange thing is where you normally find large groups and gatherings of people you find ice cream sellers.

Reality is so strange.

It truly is so much more mysterious than people give it credit for.

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