
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge. - Horace Mann

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looking for opinions

Started by lifelonglearner25, January 10, 2011, 06:19:26 PM

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Hi, i am new to Monstrous and one of the main reasons i joined the site was to ask for some advice and/or opinions on something that i've been experiencing for well, most of my life i guess.

I vividly remember a nightmare i had when i was 6. I want to say that the location of said nightmare was Hell. i've had a lot of dreams about the same place, or sometimes i just have images or short scenes play out in my mind randomly throughout the day. it feels like im trying to grab a memory but i cant quite remember..i get either single images, or fragments of a bigger memory. its like watching a movie play out in my mind, but its not smooth. its like theres scenes missing, or its jumping from one scene to another in no order so i cant make any sense of it all.  i've figured those waking incidences are most likely memories of things i've dreamt about. I dont actually know if its Hell, i usually just call it "the underground red place" because i always get the feeling that its underground somewhere, mainly because i somehow feel that way, and in a lot of the images the walls are stone, it almost looks like inside of caves or something. and i always see everything through a "red wash"...i guess a way to explain that is, that it looks as if im seeing everything through glasses with red lenses. some of the memories i've had are very gruesome and some are really...ordinary.

on top of that, i've always encountered strange energies/entities. in my room alone i've seen a few "shadow figures" over the years. i dont remember the earliest memory of seeing shadows at night. but i do remember a couple very distinct incidences from when i was in high school, and then another from about a week ago (that shadow is really what has prompted me to research this a bit more). I've seen the much reported "top hat man". i dont remember how old i was, probably around age 15 or 16. I saw a "hooded shadow figure" in the 8th grade, and somewhere around those years of 14-16 too. I just recently found out that many people around the world have seen the same figures.

When i saw the "top hat man" i had woken in the middle of the night (very common, do it almost nightly) and i turned over in my bed and i guess looked around my room. the only reason i can think of that i would turn over and start looking around is to look at the time on my clock, which was on the opposite side of the room as my bed. when i was looking, i saw a very clear shadow of a man, and he was wearing a top hat. the shadow was tall, definitely over 6 feet. it was just standing right next to my bed, not moving or anything. i was scared when i saw it. but i remember pretending to not notice it, i think that at the time i was under the impression that if i didnt pay it any mind it wouldnt bother with me. so i rolled over in bed to face the wall, and eventually i fell back asleep. thats the only time i've ever seen it.

when i first saw the "Hooded shadow figure" it was in the 8th grade. i had 2 friends over and we were in my basement, no one else, just the 3 of us, no pets or anything. we were just talking and goofing around. my 2 friends were sitting on our living room couch, and i was standing in front of a mirror on the wall looking into the mirror (probably at myself lol). when i was looking in the mirror, i saw a short shadow, about 3 feet tall, that looked hunched over, run across the wall from the front of our basement to the back on the opposite side of the room as the mirror i was looking in. it was 2D, it was just a shadow that looked stuck to the wall. I dont think it could have been from something outside because the only window in the basement was a small window that was in a "window well" or thats what my dad is calling it..the window isnt level with the ground outside, its in a little enclosed pit thing. the second hooded figure i saw was around my mid teens, similar to the top hat man.  I woke in the middle of the night and was looking around i guess, probably at the clock again. i saw a shadow next to my bed. it wasnt tall, hardly taller than my bed. i thought that the shadow was actually a pillow. the shadow looked like a pillow that had fallen off the bed and was on the floor leaning up against the side of the bed. so i reached over to grab my pillow and my hand went right through the shadow. i was pretty frightened by this and so i think i rolled over to face the wall and pulled my blankets all the way around me and over my head.

then the most recent shadow was seen about a week ago now, maybe a little less. i was just getting ready to go to sleep. i had turned off all the lights and i was going to get situated in bed with my pillows and covers and i saw something move in front of the green light on my satellite receiver box enough to black out the light. this time i wasnt afraid, at all. and i remember thinking to myself that it was odd that i wasnt frightened by something like that happening. but i think thats because logically, i've concluded that if whatever this is actually meant to harm me, it probably would have by now. so i shrugged it off and laid down in bed, and when i laid down i saw a clear figure. it looked like it was hovering over my bed. it had wings. i want to say that it looked like a figure of a man with wings. the shadow was very solid, blacker than black. it was darker than everything around it and it looked like it had mass. the wings were quite large, they took up a lot of space in my room. i want to say the span would've been around 10 feet.

im not sure why this happens or why its sort of an ongoing thing, and sometimes i wonder if the dreams and shadows could be connected in some way...and if you're still reading, Thank You for taking the time, i really appreciate it! :)
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."
- Albert Einstein

Devious Viper

If you scan down the main board index, you'll see a section called "Shadows" which you might find interesting.


Quote from: Devious Viper on January 10, 2011, 07:04:38 PM
If you scan down the main board index, you'll see a section called "Shadows" which you might find interesting.

thank you! im still trying to navigate through the site, i just found a section regarding shadows and im browsing through the threads now.

and if my thread here is in the wrong place i apologize :(
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."
- Albert Einstein

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