
I'm not afraid of werewolves or vampires or haunted hotels, I'm afraid of what real human beings do to other real human beings. - Walter Jon Williams

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The Story of Mantis

Started by Carson Dane, January 31, 2011, 08:17:51 PM

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Carson Dane

Long ago, all mass and consciousness were separate yet
together at the center of the universe. A combination of mass
and motion produced light. A combination of consciousness
with motion produced spiritual entities, the earliest form of life. The
advent of the spiritual entities evolved slowly, unlike the recent and rapid
evolution of physical life and the new human types in the universe.

The life cycle and ways of the spiritual entities were simple and
always the same: a beginning and an end. After a few cycles, not much
was accomplished, besides the establishment of a game played by the
spiritual entities. Their game became the purpose of their existence.
After the explosive beginning, spiritual entities gathered strength
and devised game strategies during an expansion phase as their
acceleration speeds from the center of the universe decreased. By the
time they reached the end of the expansion phase of a cycle, they were
ready to play games with one another during the contraction phase.
This took place as their speeds accelerated back toward the center of
the universe and a crushing end. From the crushing end was born the
explosive beginning of the next cycle.

The object of their game was to win by becoming the largest and
last spiritual entity remaining before the final crush of an expansion
and contraction cycle. Gaining size as a spiritual entity and reducing
the numbers of competing spiritual entities involved winning
emotional victories over other spiritual entities. This, in turn, allowed
the winning entity to absorb the consciousness of the losing ones. The
action among entities began at the beginning of the contraction phase
and increased in intensity as things accelerated back to the center. No
matter what the relations between spiritual entities were like, or what
emotional confrontations happened during their game, their existence
as entities always ended in the same manner. Eventually, all spiritual
entities, light, and lifeless mass, pulled back to the center for another
expansion and contraction cycle.

During the current cycle, a spiritual entity stayed far behind
the others. Working alone, it thought out how to infuse mass into
itself. No other entity ever considered doing this because, when the
expansion ended and contraction started, the lifeless mass of the
universe accelerated ever faster back to center of the universe, pulling
them with it.

Noting that the infusion of mass did not hurt it or slow it much,
the entity continued to work alone. This time, observing so much
mass, consciousness, light, and motion, it determined how to infuse
consciousness into mass and did so at several locations. The result was
the appearance of mass mimicking life, physical life never before seen
in the universe.

Having a sense of humor beyond most spiritual entities, this
one went alone again to infuse consciousness into mass as fast as
it could in as many places as it could. Furthermore, the speed of
evolution in this new life appeared rapid. Traveling back to where
it had previously infused consciousness into mass, this entity
noted that some things were already crawling around in what had
been nothing but a clump of green, moss-like plant life. The entity
worked to determine what the mass was and how it worked with the

The entity went back to the center of the universe to work alone
and undetected, while the others rode the expansion wave outward
from the center. In fusing mass and consciousness, it provided a
mechanism to control the once-lifeless mass, and to stall or prevent
the gravitational crush leading to the next expansion and contraction
cycle. Breaking the cycle meant a new game with new rules. The entity
laughed with enthusiasm unknown to the others, for they would
not figure out what changed until surprised by the reality of a new

Spiritual entities never knew exactly what was to come from
the explosive beginnings from which they were born. Although
they started anew each time, they supposed, on the way out from
the center, that they would all be on their way back into the center
eventually. Then the planning and scheming would begin about how
to be the winner of that existence before it met its crushing end. How
funny when they found the outcome differed from the expected
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


At least if you're going to plug a new book, or the idea for one, tell folks that that is what you're doing...

Carson Dane

If anyone wants to write and plug a new book from that, I give it freely.  Frankly, I find it flattering that one would consider the idea as worthy of a book.  Thanks for the compliment Moloch. 
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."

Carson Dane

You're a moderator, Lady.  Why not just move the post to where it belongs in the first place then?  For heavens sakes, I'm just a monstrous imp, not the site expert as are you...
"The cause for aging and death in human types must be using the brain in manners inconsistent with reality.  The reality of nature is whatever it is; perhaps believing it is something other than what it is, is deadly."


You should know Carson that its not quiet right to post something like that without saying its your idea or totally untrue. Think of the more easily enfluenced people before you make posts like dat.


I've always thought of moderators more as advisers and enforcers, and not janitors. Though it seems they do fulfill  both roles equally well.

I'd really advise against being so flippant about this.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts


Now now LG. No need to over react. Simply do as the nice young man says and move it.... To the recycle bin or something.
The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.
But don't be afraid. And don't forget...
You hold the mightiest weapon of all.
-Kingdom Hearts

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