
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Started by fairygirl_ap, February 11, 2005, 01:37:21 PM

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Do you think that fearies have powers, r something like powers??? :?:  :?:
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


defenitly! I think they each uses them for diffrent thing like plant growing/plant killing diffrent stuff like that.
"Life is not short! its the longest damn thing you could do, what could you do longer?"


do you think they can use them for things besides plants and stuff
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


yeah I do. I think there are no limets to it.
I felt like putting a diffrent Signature so I decide to just say this...


what are your faorite types of fearies
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


mines water related fairies, I follow my horiscope element. Im weird I know :roll:
"Life is not short! its the longest damn thing you could do, what could you do longer?"


you aren't weird. besides weird couldn't even describe some of the people i have meet. my fa. is the blue water fearie
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


Death fairies all the way!  8) you have to admit they look cool.


you would like death fairys yeh i guess they look cool. Fire fairys for me simply because they have fire wings which i think is neat looking. Water fairys I would pick but they are a little bit too romantic for my taste


:roll: But they do look cool... you think water fairies are romantic, depends on the picture, most do look like that. fire fairies are cool but a bit rough looking.


death fearies are cool looking and so are fire fearies, but i would still pick a water fearie. And not all pictures of water fearies look like they are romantic. and most water pearies aren't that romantic
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


hm death fairies are very cool, dangerous yet calm, and fire fairies are like a pyro thing going on, you know pyro pictures are cool :lol: .
"Life is not short! its the longest damn thing you could do, what could you do longer?"


just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman


bad speller Im meant fire fairies are like a pyro/pryo thing, you  know those people that play with fire tooooo much :lol:
"Life is not short! its the longest damn thing you could do, what could you do longer?"


yeah i know what you mean. Don't fell bad i can't spell half the time eiather
just because one has seen the unseen does not make them unhuman

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