
It is perfectly monstrous the way people go about nowadays saying things against one, behind one's back, that are absolutely and entirely true. - Oscar Wilde

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Shifting ?

Started by Whispers, July 20, 2011, 08:02:31 PM

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I was wondering if it was possible to steal the shifting powers of a therian or other kin by ingesting the blood or mixing it with yours . Since it all goes to your brain and heart .


I would say not for many reasons unless one had the ability to mimic or take the abilities of others.  But this would also be with the assumption that physical shifting exists.  Everything that I have learned of therianthropes will be put into my answers, but that doesn't mean I'm an expert.

Here is why I say it would not be possible:

Most therianthropes do not physically shift.  I would love to see physical evidence of a p-shift, but I still have yet to see it therefore cannot assume that it does or does not exist.  I instead have to say most do not because the many I have met have not.  Does not mean it isn't entirely impossible...  But I digress.

Because they do not physically shift, ingesting a physical attribute of a therian does not guarantee that you will gain the abilities of said person.  Example... if you drink the blood of a clairvoyant it does not mean you would become clairvoyant.  Of course, the exception could be that if you had the talent of taking the talents of others by means of blood consumption or mixing, then I would have to assume that it could be possible.

Being a therianthrope isn't like being a hollywood werewolf.  Therianthropy is not, for lack of better terms, contagious.  Physically, anyway.  One person might meet a therianthrope and then assume that they, too, are a therian because they like to eat rare meat or prefer to run on four legs than two.  Then it would spread and we have an outbreak of therians.  The real ones are more likely the ones to not admit it off-hand, but I guess that would be an assumption as well.

A therianthrope has been described to me as an animal spirit trapped in a human body.  That spirit can show through and cause shifts, but these shifts are not physical.  These shifts are typically done in meditation and just in behavioral changes while the human is still, technically, human.

What you CAN steal from therian blood would be diseases and infections transferred by blood that have nothing to do with the person being a therian.  I do not recommend ingesting blood of another being, human or otherwise.

If anyone has proof of a physical shift and that taking blood from a physical shifter can alter the body of another, then please do share because I would honestly not mind seeing it. 



  Aww Dae, you stole my thunder.  I was going to just give a simple No and be done with it.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


I was up late last night, I needed to do something to occupy my time.  Next time I'll let you have the floor first  0:)


  Actually you should have what fun you can in the time you have now for all too soon you'll be very short of it.  Time I mean.
In remembrance of Moonbaby, one of the brightest and most glorious stars to ever grace the Monstrous community.  Missed you will be, forgotten NEVER.


damn man... I told you in a different topic, but I feel the need to put it here too for all future readers: DO research BEFORE asking questions like these... make sure you're not influenced by modern movies... same goes for Vampirsm... do not drink blood of just anyone, "vampires" are not immune to blood disease... or any other disease at that... they are not immortal...
Also, as far as I know, physical transformation does not exist, further more, it is impossible for a human to shapeshift like this because:
our bonestructure does not allow it
our dna can't change like that (we don't live in a movie people!)
and a load of other reasons that don't come to mind... Anyone saying otherwise: I need physical proof before believing you.
I'm a creature (not an animal) trapped in a psychic vampire's body (which means I'm a human that needs to feed on energy of others to survive, though, I would not call myself a vampire anymore, I have no more need to feed on others) can I shapeshift? NO, what can I do is when that creature's nature comes to surfice my behaviour changes... most was said by Dae here, but I can't state enough... do some research before wasting not only our, but also your own time... mostly when these questions are asked we can't give the answer they want...

Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^

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