
Homo homini monstrum - Victor Hugo, (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame)

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Encounters, Phobias? ( The Strange, the Scary... the Wonderful )

Started by TeteoInan, October 17, 2011, 03:38:38 PM

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Id always choose Giron over Paris then ;)

*howls as a proper northern wolf is supposed to* ;)


Quote from: Nina on November 26, 2011, 07:13:51 PM
Id always choose Giron over Paris then ;)

*howls as a proper northern wolf is supposed to* ;)

Giron it is...I've been to Paris 5 times already...never been to Lapland though, my ancestral home.

Barrow or outside Prudhoe Bay would be better though...North Slope, my spiritual home.

*hhhhhhhhoooooowwwwwllllssss as a true Northern wolf* Don't get much more North than Arctic... :wink:

That was very Wolf-like statement for a Non-Therian *poke* :-P
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"


I dont have to be a shifter to be aware of my animal inside ;)


YAY! Nina's a wolf on the inside! Day even better nows than it was before! *runs around as happy wolf and wags tail* :-P

My inner cub made an appearance, my bad! 8-)

The more wolf-like people I know, the better in my view. :)

I dont have to be a shifter to be aware of my animal inside

I believe that! LOL :wink:
TheWerewolvesDen - "Home for all the World's Were's"

"Hey Psst... Twilight...I got some news, Vampires aren't supposed to sparkle and Werewolves are supposed to have fangs! I guess you didn't get the memo, huh?"

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