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Serpent Head Found in Center of the Brain? (Animation)

Started by Nina, November 30, 2011, 03:00:14 PM

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This one is really scary when you think about it a bit better. We seem to have this... snake thing (not just the "reptilian brain" as a word) in our heads. I wasnt really sure where to post it, but if reptilians ARE from outer space, what are they doing in OUR HEADS?!?!?

*runs in circles screaming*

whats your say?


Nina, you know I appreciate you - I really do - so don't take this personally. But this isn't even a legitimate issue...
Age is not defined by years, but by intellect and maturity.


Hey shhh, lets pretend it is ;)

ps: I dont have to be serious all the time, and this felt like a good debate start.  :wink:


I am more concerned that half of that person's brain is missing, and somebody has sprayed a chunk of it red.


With half the brain missing, I dont think he cares xD

And to continue the laugh:


Also known as "Oxford" and "Cambridge." That's why they have the boat race - its a reptilian water ceremony.

According to David Icke, anyway.*

*"A network of the same kind operates in Britain at Oxford, Cambridge..." The Biggest Secret, chapter 11 (1999)

Bane Bloodfang

I see the snakehead but I actually saw what resembled Alien first :B

Hrrm I was thinking on posting a thread ( assuming one doesn't exist) about the Reptilians, due to the fact that in the demonic section reptilian eyes has been discussed as a sign of possesion but theorists say its an alien race hence reptilian eyes. Figured it could be a good one to debate but wouldn't know which section it should live in lol
~I may be drunk... but I can still beat you in a fight!~

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