
When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there. - Anton Szandor LaVey

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Polite Message For Experts, Demonologists, Exorcists and Demon Hunters

Started by Jake, January 20, 2012, 05:30:27 AM

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Ken Summers at Who Forted? recently published a thought-provoking article about the current state of paranormal investigation. He noted: "As the number of paranormal television shows increased, so did the number of viewers who – after a few episodes – suddenly became ghost [or demon...] hunters themselves... If you're a devoted fan of (insert paranormal program here), that's what you are: a fan, not an overnight expert..."

The internet is full of "experts" who "talk the talk" but as Greg Newkirk has pointed out, "They [usually] know nothing about the paranormal that you don't, they're just decent bulls**tters... [Many] are simply using the paranormal as a means to make up for the social status that they lack in everyday life. It's easy to appear an important person in a field that requires no credentials..."

I am not an "expert." I am not a "demonologist." I am not an "exorcist." I am not a "demon hunter." I do not believe in demons/angels/gods/devils/magic. I am not a psychiatrist. I am skeptical of all paranormal claims without credible evidence. I do acknowledge that many things are "UNexplained."

Please be aware that if you make claims here about your expertise/demonologist powers/demon hunting prowess etc. you may be expected to provide evidence before your claims are accepted.


Jake has left the site and the moderation has been taken over by Mark.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


I would like to uphold what Jake posted.  But most importantly the following from his post:

I am skeptical of all paranormal claims without credible evidence. I do acknowledge that many things are "UNexplained."

Please be aware that if you make claims here about your expertise/demonologist powers/demon hunting prowess etc. you may be expected to provide evidence before your claims are accepted.

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