
I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom I had created. - Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

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Started by banshee72, March 28, 2012, 06:53:30 AM

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What do you think they are? Fallen angels, creatures from other dimensions, good or bad or neutral demons or aliens or something that simply does not exist? Quite a few religions have demons in them. Any theories you have? I would love to hear them

  Ok, here is my opinion. I believe that demons were around before man (of course). I believe that they are beings from other dimensions or parallel universes or what not that have found a way into our world/dimensions and have had a huge affect on mankind. I believe they are capable of both good and evil. There are many names for demons and many different beliefs. And don't get me wrong, I respect others beliefs and point of views about demons and wont dismiss the possibilities of other beliefs, if that makes sense. I am a very open minded person. I will consider all the possibilities. But above is my personal belief. I will go into more detail when I have to time. Don't worry this will be updated.

"Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!"

"Reality is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't love to live there"

I LOVE MY HUBBY! Married: Oct, 30, 2009


According to the best evidence, they are non-existent, is what they are.

Even those who make a living out of promoting the existence of demons will often admit that the only "evidence" they have is not the entity itself but what it "causes" people to do.

From a philosophical point of view, that raises the possibility that "demons" really are creatures of shadow - or rather, just "shadows" ... They are the causally inert shadows cast by the behaviour of the "afflicted". Whenever the behaviour "moves" the shadow of the demon moves - and vice versa. That might leads us to think that the shadow and the behaviour interact, but the truth is that the causation is in one direction only. The behaviour creates the demon, not vice versa...


The best evidence in the world still cannot explain all the "demonic" experiences throughout history and numerous cultures. If there is no evidence of multiple realities and dimensions (which are still just a theory) that doesnt have to mean they are less real. But "demons" and similar other entities fall more into a religious and philosophical area than actual empirical truth. But we cannot forget that sometimes we simply lack the aparatus to measure things, if nothing, then only cause our level of energetic and metaphysical knowledge is too low.


Fragments of an universal energy that individually were able to develop an intelligence that allowed them to take form from our thoughts and subconscious unwindings, finding a compatible type from the same source. But i believe it all comes down to energy, that stuffs everywhere...why should evolution be confined to materialism?
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Now that you put it like that, the word Egregore popped into my mind...


Archetype could work too along with many other terms for thoughts given life. Thats why i dont understand why people have problems with them. Without humanity and our fears of the dark, they'd be nothing .
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Exactly. But what i wonder about is, which part of us gives them more power if we are sentient beings, specially if we are aware of their existence. Could it be that our weak part of trauma created ego could invite lesser and "negative" ones, while pure thought of positivity and love, such as pray, could invite the "positive" ones? Since heart has its very powerful magnetic field, and those creatures react to frequencies, is the answer to protection lying in training the heart to emit higher (conditionally speaking) thoughts?


It's all energy, that would also explain why other aspects of the occult and even karma can be effective. Energy never dies and isn't always limited to the bindings of flesh or humanity.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Or better said, it is limited as much as we let it :)


Quote from: jordyn on April 29, 2012, 12:16:56 PM
It's all energy, that would also explain why other aspects of the occult and even karma can be effective. Energy never dies and isn't always limited to the bindings of flesh or humanity.

True, energy never dies.  But that doesn't mean that your consciousness will live forever.  Energy can be transferred into another form. 

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