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The Demon, Astaroth Any helpful info?

Started by banshee72, March 29, 2012, 04:57:32 AM

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I am doing research for the demon Astaroth for a story I am writing. I was wondering if anyone had some helpful information about him. I'll take all the info I can get. I want my story to be as accurate as possible. He has a huge history and I don't want to miss out on any of it so if you have information about this demon please let me know. Thanks   :-D

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One of the "Crowned Princes of Hell".   But the name is actually a derivation  of the Semitic goddess of fertility and sex Ashtoreth, who in turn was probably derived from the Babylonian goddess Astarte and the Sumerian goddess Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven.  A good many of the 'demons' in Judaism, Islam and Christianity are just Pagan goddesses and gods that have been degraded and demonized by the newer Abrahamic religions.
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What facet do you want? The reason there's so much history is because of his etymology. If it's for a story then it gives you room to choose what works with your plot. A general empathy about who it is and it's attitude derived from that history should be enough to pull it off.
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