
The irreligious poet is a monster. - Robert Burns

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Demons Good and Evil?

Started by banshee72, March 29, 2012, 05:31:06 AM

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From what I have heard demons are capable of being good or evil or neutral. What is your definition of a demon? Are they the middle rank between humans and the gods? I don't know much about this topic, but I have always been interested in it and I'm just now asking questions about it, wanting to learn more. I would like to talk to some demonologists (is that right?) about this topic. I want to hear everything. I have had odd experiences where people have told me it could have been demons. For example I used the Ouja board a lot and after that a lot of weird bad things happened. Like disgusting smells walking from room to room in our old house. And my mom always getting sick and the cats always vomiting and pissing everywhere. Lots of depression too. An a sudden infestation of cockroaches and I mean TONS of them. It has all gone away though since I moved into our new appartment. I'm not sure what was going on. Any thoughts?

"Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!"

"Reality is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't love to live there"

I LOVE MY HUBBY! Married: Oct, 30, 2009


Quote from: banshee72 on March 29, 2012, 05:31:06 AM
From what I have heard demons are capable of being good or evil or neutral.

That sounds like a definition from a role playing game.

Quote from: banshee72 on March 29, 2012, 05:31:06 AM
...a lot of weird bad things happened. Like disgusting smells walking from room to room in our old house. And my mom always getting sick and the cats always vomiting and pissing everywhere. Lots of depression too. An a sudden infestation of cockroaches and I mean TONS of them. It has all gone away though since I moved into our new appartment. I'm not sure what was going on. Any thoughts?

Cats vomiting and pissing everywhere might be a good starting point for explaining disgusting smells, insect infestations and subsequent feelings of depression...


Quote from: Jake on March 29, 2012, 06:06:48 AM

Quote from: banshee72 on March 29, 2012, 05:31:06 AM
...a lot of weird bad things happened. Like disgusting smells walking from room to room in our old house. And my mom always getting sick and the cats always vomiting and pissing everywhere. Lots of depression too. An a sudden infestation of cockroaches and I mean TONS of them. It has all gone away though since I moved into our new appartment. I'm not sure what was going on. Any thoughts?

Cats vomiting and pissing everywhere might be a good starting point for explaining disgusting smells, insect infestations and subsequent feelings of depression...

I gotta agree with Jake on this one. A good spring cleaning should fix that ;) Oh, and cats can live outside too, specially if a person holding them is unable to keep the hygiene up to standards (suitable for humans).


Quote from: banshee72 on March 29, 2012, 05:31:06 AM
From what I have heard demons are capable of being good or evil or neutral. What is your definition of a demon? Are they the middle rank between humans and the gods?

Demon- , Personally I've yet to hear of a demon that was good, generally being 'evil' is a qualification. As far as rank don't doubt humans, you may see horror films where the demon is invincible (or close enough) but just think about which race rules the earth
New Signature


From my experiences, demons are your "friend" if you are a "demon". But everyone I know, when you get involved with them, you being a "demon" or not, their lives become more miserable.
They are offered this new understanding of the world and maybe some potential power "You are some powerful demon general sent here on earth to battle prince dragon-head man, it is your destiny." No this is not a literal quote, but from what I hear people saying now days, this is not far off. Way too many are being told they are "special" and that Hell is actually a "fun" place if you are a demon. (They use the employee entrance, not the customer entrance).

Bottom line, you may gain knowledge or power but I have not seen ANYONE become happier for it. Myself included, I just am not interested in their story that keeps on changing.

I have no reason to say that demons are good, even to other demons, your worth is based on status and power. Allies are a matter of perspective and neutral means "I don't want to kill you TODAY." I'm not saying evil, but they are not my cup of tea.
If my life is worthless then death must be my currency to spend.


  :?  Demon's are not good and if your using the Ouija Board please do a protection reading or a spell and when your using it again please make sure you close it so you don't leave any open doors to it.
I'm surprised it didn't fallow you to your new apartment!!


Demons don't exist and spells are not real. I am open to proof that I am wrong, however.


I must object that the existence of demons, possession, spells and other bigotry has never been proven, however the effects on the psyche and body of known human subjects are real and have been assessed many medical and psychological studies. And there are still some odd cases that cannot be explained.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Quote from: redraven on May 05, 2012, 02:18:03 PM
  :?  Demon's are not good and if your using the Ouija Board please do a protection reading or a spell and when your using it again please make sure you close it so you don't leave any open doors to it.
I'm surprised it didn't fallow you to your new apartment!!

why do anything spiritually you'd need a protection for?

that's the problem with the occult today, anyone with ten bucks and a television can become masters of the spirit world and then cry when they get their soul kicked. Don't be messing with them, they won't mess with you...even a "harmless protection" spell can draw their attention.

quija boards should stay a party game!
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


Quote from: Loki on May 06, 2012, 01:40:58 PM
I must object that the existence of demons, possession, spells and other bigotry has never been proven, however the effects on the psyche and body of known human subjects are real and have been assessed many medical and psychological studies.

Agreed, there are many psychological aspects to these alleged cases - but, chicken or egg? Which came first - the alleged "demon" or "ghost" or the psychological imbalance..?

At the root is the fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc:

Demonic possession occurs in correlation with psychological disturbance.
Therefore, demonic possession causes psychological disturbance.

This hypothesis is false because it ignores these possibilities:

(a) Psychological disturbance causes the belief that you are possessed.
(b) Some unknown third factor X (eg 18 hz infrasound?) may actually be the cause of both the belief that you are possessed and psychological disturbance.
(c) The correlation is a coincidence or so complex or indirect that it is more effectively called a coincidence.

Quote from: Loki on May 06, 2012, 01:40:58 PM
And there are still some odd cases that cannot be explained

These are the ones that we should be interested in.


Totally agree and support the implicit banning of all demons lovers and hunters. Let's focus on serious cases of demon possession.  As you know the Catholic Church still supports a corpse of exorcists and seem to investigate - in total secrecy unfortunately.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist." - Charles Baudelaire (French and monstrous poet).


Quote from: Loki on May 10, 2012, 03:21:52 PM
Totally agree and support the implicit banning of all demons lovers and hunters. Let's focus on serious cases of demon possession.  As you know the Catholic Church still supports a corpse of exorcists and seem to investigate - in total secrecy unfortunately.

Is it really secrecy these days? They have a new exorcism movie out every month, their openly recruiting priests interested in exorcising the's almost like their slowly using it to increase an interest in their religion to gain back all the followers they're losing. Happy ending horror wins out over tortured misery any friday of the week.

I'm more interested in the secrecy that surrounds all the writings and other items they've gathered over the years and keep locked in their vault, demonology is nothing new but more accurately historical documents pertaining to the christian faith always intrigues me, or i watch too many Stigmata sort of movies?
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

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