
The sleep of reason produces monsters (El SueƱo de la Razon Produce Monstruos) - Francisco Goya

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Started by LakyForever, June 04, 2012, 08:18:26 PM

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Alright, so 4 people I know and myself have all experienced the same kind of...well, thing. It is a shadow, it floats in our homes and has serious negative energy. You can just feel it in the air. The lights and all that flicker when it shows up. We (my friends and I) have had connections to each other through dreams (as in we saw each other in dreams before meeting each other, that's about the extent of it). This shadow thing is a dark black color. I say "dark black" because it is visible when there is pretty much no light in an area. It's confusing, and you can probably tell I'm not very good with this site yet. This is my first post. But I have a few questions.
1. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?
2. Could the shadow be a demon?
3. If the shadow is a demon, why do we all see it and why are we "connected'?


Within the  realms of reincarnation and cosmic energy we're all connected and some souls are destined or doomed to repeat situations in different incarnations until they get what they're meant for in lifr, right. The dark, shadowy cloud...probably would be answered better in the shadow realm. nothing you've expressed would suggest it"s anything malignent, evil or demonic.

A lingering past life acquaintainces expressing it's frustration you've gotten a chance and they're still stuck in the ethereal?

way to vague for much of a disection. 
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."

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