
What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark. It would be like sleep without dreams. - Werner Herzog

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Demons, the Proof.

Started by vampiric_black_demon, June 14, 2012, 11:58:48 AM

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So, as I said before this is meant to clarify and to prove the existence of demons (I hope).
Let me begin with saying I believe in creation and in the holy books, I for one is Muslim.
In Islam, and all the Faiths of the books, there is the story of creation of Adam and Eve.
Religion especially those of the books seem to be more accurate about the secrets of this universe.
I have studied and read most and so far the Quran is most accurate.
Now onto Business, What is a demon?
In Islam, the devil Iblis or Shaytan was a Djinn (humans are created from Earth, Angels from light, and jinn from 'smokeless fire'). The jinn, though, are not necessarily evil; they could be good-doers or sinners just like humans. Since the jinn and humans are the only kinds of creation who have the will to choose, the followers of Iblis could be jinn or human. The angels, on the other hand, are sinless and only obey the will of God. In the Qur'an, when God Ordered those witnessing the creation of Adam to prostrate before him (Adam), Iblis refused to do so because of his pride and said to God "how can I bow to this creature made of mud? You created me from fire and expect me to bow to this Man of mud?" and was therefore damned for refusal to obey God's Will. So you see Demons are in essence Djinns. Some Djinns supported their Ally (their kin) Lucifer/Satan and some, who felt Lucifer, was the wrong doer and thus decided not to support him. However, those who do support him also support his evilness and trickery and thus they themselves gained ranks according to what evil they may have done.
A demon can also be used to refer to any malevolent being with the intentions of doing wrong.


Yes Djinn, these are one of Gods creation and the malevolent ones are believed to be the demons.
On the topic of Djinns, Some people actually have seen/felt them I being one of these people. You will know of their intentions by feeling and their aura. They can possess things and animals such as dogs or cats or anything at all the colour of preference is usually black that's what I believe may have made black cats seem unlucky in some old superstitions. They themselves never appear in their true form but most assume the shape of dense shadow almost Smokey in appearance fashioned to look like a human's rough silhouette with deep red eyes. You will know it's alive because you will feel its energy, whether good or bad, and you will fear. It also has an aura, a visible one.

Yes, maybe who knows but "Half demon" is a term used to describe any human connected/ bound to a Demon or has part of the demons essence in them. These hybrids usually do have heightened senses; abilities etc and these are awakened most commonly by accident usually from age 13. Or they are activated since birth as a defence mechanism. These hybrids can be born, or they can be made i.e. if you contact a demon it can possibly grant you some of its power/strength or even its blood but not before you do something to prove you are worthy e.g. kill a person be evil etc. Although most can contact demons, the demons will not respond or will not grant the powers unless you are of benefit to them somehow i.e., be their pawn earn your right amongst them or simply you are important to hell. I for one am considered such a being because of previous dealings with them and black Magick.
I conclude by saying, "Demons" do exist as to what they are exactly, that is for you to decide, go do some research. I suggest starting at the wikipedia page on Demonology for a view from all religions. And then move onto the holy books and then after that begin research elsewhere. I suggest you keep your heart, mind and spirit open and aware because only through all three working together will you truly grasp what's going on, the mind heart and soul each on their own can lose a lot but together they win. Demons are closer to us than you may think...

If you are still sceptical, then there is a risky way to contact them , a way  I personally resent but was made to undergo as part of a coven somewhere earlier in life, it requires Silver bowls, knives and a knowledge of the old languages. Be Warned, this method is serious and not a joke so if you are completely sure for it do tell me and ill disclose the details. That said, Demons / angels and similar beings have been recorded and known to exist for centuries in most civilizations on earth...coincidence? I think not. One last Note: while Demons Exist, there are many illnesses out there that resemble demonic possession, do get a health check before throwing the blame on Demons etc. I back up Jake on this one.
Learn to see with  ur heart...not brain.
See the bright side of the dark side...


no offense, but in my opinion that seems a little dramatic, A view of world events will see that you don't need, rites, rituals, pacts or any of that stuff to attract those energies, in animism there are no demons, good or evil...just the spirits that create nature.

you can't prove anything to anyone who doesn't want to believe, no matter how fantastical you are...with the growth in non belief it might suggest some normal evolution of humanity entering a world that doesn't need gods and myth but technology and scientific minds.  It's not a world for dreamers and enchantresses anymore.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


ah my dear , thats the beauty of the mind , id say to each thier own. you want to see the proof its all around us the mind sees what the heart believes and feels. the eyes they see only if you choose to guide them with your heart the point here is , i wont try to convert anyone to believe but keep your hearts and eyes open
Learn to see with  ur heart...not brain.
See the bright side of the dark side...


oh, i know they're very real, there are just better things to spiritually deal with than thinking you can master creatures, some that saw us evolve to what we are today, havens for them to play and hide.

not approving of people dealing with them so flippantly is different then knowing what they really are, they're not that impressive.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


i'd have to agree with you on that , this was just to provide a little view of mine on thier existance nothing much , i do agree about
Quote from: jordyn on June 15, 2012, 06:54:11 AM
there are just better things to spiritually deal with than thinking you can master creatures, some that saw us evolve to what we are today, havens for them to play and hide.

not approving of people dealing with them so flippantly is different then knowing what they really are, they're not that impressive.
Learn to see with  ur heart...not brain.
See the bright side of the dark side...


I'm just exhausted by all the people who glamorize it when most of their perceptions are derived from popular recreated myths interwoven with well known spiritualist "facts". I'm sort of a paradox in my faith i suppose, i know there are some things in the world that no matter how hard you believe you can't physically deny and i spend way too much time thinking about what a person can.
"The world that God made is inherently comprised of relationships, symmetries, analogia, anagogy, poetic wisdom. Thus is the language of symbolism."


I'm confused with how you came to the conclusion that religion seems to be more accurate with secrets of the universe.  Can you explain your thought process on that? 

Correct me if I'm getting my information from an unreliable source, but, theologists believe that the world is roughly 6000 years old.  According to science this is false, the earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old, and the universe is roughly 12-15 billion years old. 

There is a talking snake in the bible.  Snakes don't have proper vocal cords to utter human speech.  Neither do any of the other primates which are our closest relatives, who have the most similar biological structures to us. 

A flood consumed the entire planet.  Well, even if the ice caps melted entirely and all water vapor from the clouds condensed to a liquid, it still would not cover the entire planet.  AND, even if there was some major flood, there would be evidence for it in the geological record, and there is none. 

Those are just three inconsistencies with the bible.  I'm not sure what the Quran says, or how much more different it is than the bible. 

You can claim that god hid his evidence, but that's merely forming a basis for an unfalsifiable theory.  Many, possibly all, religions are unfalsifiable.  My opinion on the matter is this, I think the reason people so widely believe in religion, is because they were indoctrinated into it as a child just as I was.  The majority don't break free from that mindset.  I did.   

All of the above is just my opinion, I encourage people to disagree with me.  This is a subject I enjoy talking about. 

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