
Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Help in finding out

Started by sean12388, June 18, 2012, 12:05:06 PM

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I apologize to any who I annoy on this website with this post but I was wondering how it is someone would discover they are a Therian with any sort of animal spirit/part of themselves. The thing is i can find websites for those who do know; but not a single one for those who don't know or are unsure. I've always had a sort of drive to be number one strength wise, and number one dominant wise. Perhaps I'm somehow an alpha wolf of some kind. But I've also learned to be more restrained with these characteristics as in modern society people see these kinds of things weird. I know I have a strong primal side but idk what. If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate  that. I also know meditation and spiritiuality can lead to finding a "totem animal". Is this the same as your inner animal/ Therian side.


Hi Sean and welcome to Monstrous :)

Being a therian and having a totem are not the same thing, although many can confuse these out of pure ignorance and/or wishful thinking. Having such drives is not uncommon for a human being, after all, we did evolve from a creature that was more an animal by its instincts and way of life than humans of today. Intuition, strength, heighten senses, all that can easily be just a genetic trait from that time.

Thousands of years ago, humans wouldnt be able to survive without those instincts, so honestly, i think many are mistaking greatly by wanting to be something less than they already are.

Arent people the scariest of all animals on the planet in the first place? ;)

And totems arent so hard to find out, every one of us has them, and the only thing you gotta do to recognize those is open yourself to that instinct and intuition. Im sure you already have a clue ;)

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