
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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nightmares coming true

Started by aboots, August 09, 2012, 10:54:51 PM

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i always have a dream that i am running in forest and someone is following me n throwing things at me.i feel if i would stop that person would kill me.but the worst part is this that if something hits it gives a wound and when i wake up i am literally wounded and bleeding.please please help me.i have this dream every second me.for details i can to tell that i can control souls and i am a psychic vampire.please help me.
I can see every monster as they come in.


I can see every monster as they come in.


i know that there are some cases where people hurt themselfs in a extremely deep sleep, not colma deep but still deep. im not shure if this is the case but i thought id post it anyways.
forever drowning in a daydream


well, except for you saying your a psy vamp, which I doubt has anything to do with the nightmares. I can think of several explanations where you should not worry.
1 is pretty easy, it could be you are sleepwalking and when you hurt yourself irl your dream makes it look like you hit something.
Another reason might be mind over matter, you believe so hard it is real it becomes real.

I'dd go for one of those reasons, but I doubt it'll be anything demonic because those mostly don't have physical influences.
I suggest you go to a hospital to monitor how you sleep and what happens (or you could just tape yourself when sleeping) and see what happens.
Also controlling a soul is not really a psy vamp thing, I know this because I am one... We control energy that flows within and have the ability to influence people more easily so we can feed better of their energy... As far as I know a soul cannot be controlled, only the mind the soul inhabits, but I could be wrong. But I suggest discussing these dreams and the marks they leave to a doctor without telling him about anything related to the occult or supernatural.

Also: Do not double post... if someone does not reply after a couple of days to a week, maybe you could bump your own topic, but not after 2 minutes...
And now to be a grammar nazi: use full words... n is a letter, not a word. Also use spaces after interpunctions because it makes it hard to read. And preferably use capitals when needed, but be sure to always use them when talking about yourself when saying I because your post wasn't that long and I had to read it a couple of times to see if I read it correctly because of your, and I'll be honest and franct, awefull writing skills...

But just to state it again:
Visit a doctor, tell about the dreams and show him the wounds! For all we know it is a medical condition that can be treated with therapy or if you are lucky with a short period of medication :)

Good luck! ^^
Fight for those you've lost and fight for those you don't want to lose! -LeXtruX-
"Yes, I made my avatar... Yes I made everything myself, and No I did not use any existing pictures" ^_^


Thanks.By soul I meant the mind.Sorry for getting you confused.
I can see every monster as they come in.

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