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Were-lions and witches in Africa

Started by monstr, May 07, 2003, 01:28:40 AM

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ANGRY villagers in Mozambique have killed a dozen people suspected of being witches after a killing spree by man-eating lions, police said.

A spokesman told Radio Mozambique lions had devoured 20 victims, including women, in northern Cabo Delgado province over the past four months.

Villagers believed the lions to be witches who had taken on the form of the carnivores, he said.

They had attacked and killed 12 people in the area.

"Twelve suspected witches were beaten to death by angry relatives (of the dead)."


the people who are suspected of turning into lions are not technical witches as witches usually dont polymorph.
You can run and you can hide
But some day you the demons will find


I agree with Carlos.These indivuals are lycanthropes,not witches


While many cultures (almost every culture) has tales of werewolves or the like, most "bad things" are still blamed on witches... just because, for some reason, witches are easier to blame...

In many old world tales of witches, they could turn into an animal (something attributed to familiars?). Of course, they were also said to have recieved this ability from Lucifer, but that doesn't really fly with non-christian faiths in Africa, does it? Witches were also widely said to be able to curse people by turning their victims into animals - something pretty much universal as far as I've read...

So before "witches" are completely ruled out, one should probably take at least a precursory look at the "common" attributes of witches (at least the kind that would go about turning themselves or other people into lions for the sake of devouring their fellow townspeople).


PS: for the record, I know a number of people who claim to be witches (Wiccans, eclectic magick practitioners) and none of them would do such a thing, even if they knew how. :-)


The ability to morph into other animals is not the privilege of witches, were or vampires (bats, wolves, ...) but available to anybody who has access to the knowledge.

The gist of the question is : do they really turn into animals, do they just move their spirit into an animal body or is it just an illusion created by suggestion ?

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