
People hear that I am a horror writer and they think that I must be a monster, but actually I have the heart of a small child - I keep it in a jar on my desk. - Robert Bloch

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Man-eating crocodiles still protected

Started by maggot man, November 01, 2005, 12:15:04 AM

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maggot man

CANBERRA -- The government on Thursday rejected a plan to allow trophy hunting of saltwater crocodiles in northern Australia despite two recent fatal attacks on divers.

Croc numbers have exploded in Australia since a 1971 federal ban on hunting the creatures.

Some northern Australians have called for a lifting of the ban after two men were killed by crocs in a span of five days last month while snorkeling in Northern Territory.

The Northern Territory government proposed allowing trophy hunters to annually shoot 25 crocodiles that are longer than 4 meters as a means of controlling their numbers and earning income for Aborigines who own much of the giant reptiles' habitat in the sparsely populated northern province.

The proposal was backed by international croc experts but opposed by animal welfare organizations who regarded it as cruel.

Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell announced Thursday he had ruled out allowing trophy hunting.

"I do not believe safari hunting of crocodiles is consistent with a modern day approach to animal welfare and responsible management," he said in a statement.

Campbell said it would have been difficult to achieve humane recreational hunting.

"The problem is, if you've got an amateur shooter traveling from overseas to Australia shooting a crocodile from 50 yards, they're very hard to shoot in a humane way where you can guarantee a kill with a first shot," he told Nine Network television.

The population of crocodiles in Northern Territory has soared to about 60,000 since they became protected, after years of hunting had reduced them to about 5,000.

Crocodiles, which can grow up to 7 meters long, lurk in rivers and in the sea throughout Australia's tropical north and regularly attack and sometimes kill swimmers.

The government will continue to allow 600 crocs a year to be trapped and shot by professionals for farming, skin and meat or because they threaten humans. (AP)''

It looks like Salt-Water Crocodiles are another much loathed native species that enjoy federal protection,eh,Shadow? Nature conservation in Australia seems to be a rather harzadous affair.  :wink:


Youre telling me, every time I swim in the sea now I have to look at a sign that says WARNING: DO NOT SWIM HERE! Wether I try and swim here or up north.

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