
I think you have to know who you are. Get to know the monster that lives in your soul, dive deep into your soul and explore it. - Tori Amos

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Wolf Genocide

Started by The_Seeker, February 16, 2006, 05:57:32 PM

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In Idaho, the Department of Fishing and Game has announced a proposal to kill every 3 out of 4 wolves.  This is nothing but senseless slaughter with no resonable rationale.

Here is where you can help by simply sending a message.  Make sure you use real information so this matter may be resolved in an appropriate manner.



That is pathetic.  I sent my support and I will tell friends.. Thanks Empty Void
For the life of a creature is in the blood, And I have given it to you........


*fumes*  :evil:  *rages*

*... writes a particularly vicious counter-proposal suggesting killing 3 out of 4 humans in Idaho...*  :twisted:

*... and ultimately decides not to send it because it will only instigate the problem...* ~Sigh~ Stupid prideful humans...


Queen raina Loup-Garou

Sadly the wolves will not win. As human development progresses. Wolves and other nativee wild life will be seen as a threat or pest to growth. I will do all I can to help fight this. But look in your own town. Think back about how it used to look 5 years ago.. even 2 years ago. now open your eyes and what do you see.


It's true... housing developments and urban sprawl seem to be unstoppable... it's quite depressing. *sigh* Sometimes it really gets me down.

Phantom X

Animals just cant win in this world that is rightfully theres and that makes me sad. They are building a new highway, taking out a large portion of forest. The construction, sadly, has taken many animals out of their homes. Because we are a new town, the council members want us to get a name for ourselves, so they are expanding and expanding without a care. Then when the animals try and cross the street to get to somewhere safe and I hear people lady because they wont cross due to the construction trucks on the otherside, I just get so angery! (Luckily I had some carrots in my car and was able to lead them across, despite further protests and honkings.)

(The wolf thing got me angery and I thought back to that day.... Sorry for the off topicness)
I unify in order to enlighten
Attracting life.
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the magnetic tone of purpose.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Beyond The Door Lays A New Path For Us On Our Jorney...........One Day We'll See Our Fate In

maggot man

Stronger animals always truimph over weaker ones through force of sheer might. That's how hyena packs are forced out of prime hunting-grounds by neighboring lion prides intent on securing for themselves the choicest game.   Unfortunately for nature, homo saipens has been a little excessive with exercising his power, and that's probably because we have too much of it. The world in general would have been better off if we'd remained naked primitives.

Zak Roy Yoballa

Humans are charged with being good stewards of the all Gods possessions.  The fact that there is a thread on wolf genocide is another unfortunate sign that we are failing in that regard.   

It is a pity to see but on the other hand if you were a sheep herd and the wolves are a problem, what do you do?  How do we balance the need of man-kind and the lives of the animals?

I personally like the way Teddy Roosevelt approached the subject.  He is the president that created the national park system to preserve the wilderness for future generations.  It isn't a perfect set up but it is better than nothing.

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.

Lord Pisces luffy

QuoteIt is a pity to see but on the other hand if you were a sheep herd and the wolves are a problem, what do you do?  How do we balance the need of man-kind and the lives of the animals?

I would say let the wolf have the sheep because at least thats the way its supposed to be anyways and do we really need that one sheep anyhow for us to survive?  That wolf could be on its last day from starvation.
All light sources cannot last forever the way darkness can.

Zak Roy Yoballa

Quote from: luffy on June 11, 2006, 04:11:51 AM
QuoteIt is a pity to see but on the other hand if you were a sheep herd and the wolves are a problem, what do you do?  How do we balance the need of man-kind and the lives of the animals?

I would say let the wolf have the sheep because at least thats the way its supposed to be anyways and do we really need that one sheep anyhow for us to survive?  That wolf could be on its last day from starvation.

When its your money and your sheep out in the field then you can make that call.  Sheep farmers makew money off of the wool they get from the sheep too so the lose of one will have a significant impact on their livelyhood. 

As for me, I say set aside land for them and let the animal rights advocates drop off the occasional normal food for the wolf pack to feed on.  Keep the humans out of that area and let them be.  Lets let the animal lovers put their money where their mouths are and fund the refuge.  They've done it in the rainforests...

Your attitude is the only thing they can't take from you.

Queen raina Loup-Garou

They have the technology now to keep wolves and other preditors away from live stock, but most farms will not adapt to this new way because of the costs.

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